Top Candle Making Mistakes

Top Candle Making Mistakes

Cost-effective, wax melts offer you complete control over your candles. Available in different scents and colors, these wax melts are effective in creating a cozy home. The best thing about Wax Melts In The UK is that you can completely change the appearance of your interiors. Still more, you will control what goes into these wax melts. However, it’s important to get everything right. Along these lines, here are the top mistakes you should avoid when making wax melts.

Candle Emitting Smoke

A high amount of essential oil or fragrance is one of the biggest reasons why your candle emits a lot of smoke. Other reasons include over wicking and the presence of air pockets. These issues can be fixed. For instance, you can reduce the content of essential oil. To get rid of wicks, use more wicks. Also, consider warming up your container.

Presence Of Cracks, Holes, Air Pockets

Water in the container can cause cracks and air pockets in your candle. Ensure that the container is completely dry before pouring the wax. Also, if the temperature of the wax is high, it may cause cracks and holes. Prevent the air pockets by ensuring that the container is dry.

Candle Not Burning Evenly

If you are using wax with an extremely high melting point, the candle won’t burn properly. Also, if you are using a small wick, the candle won’t burn evenly. The problem can be solved by changing waxes. You can also blend waxes. Alternatively, bigger wicks can solve the issue.

Color Change

Candles can change color. This is very common.  With time, your candle can change color and turn dark. At the same time, the color can change when the wax cools. That’s why your candles shouldn’t be exposed to direct sunlight.

Also, if you have candles in different colors, it can result in color bleeding. This problem can be cured. Consider allowing your wax to complexly harden before you pour it. However, make sure that any wax layer is poured at the right temperature. Avoid too high a temperature. It will cause the precious wax layer to melt. Still more, it will cause the color to bleed. On the other hand, low temperature may lead to air pockets, holes, as well as cracks.

No Scent from A Burning Soy Candle

Normally, soy wax comes with an excellent cold scent. When the wax is cold, the smell is amazing. On the other hand, you won’t smell anything when the wax is very hot. If you want that aroma, consider blending the wax. For instance, blend soy wax with beeswax. Also, pam can be blended with soy wax. It will give the best scent.

The Bottom-Line

Wax melts are quickly becoming popular in major stores around the world. Regarded as a cost-effective alternative to candles, wax melts will help you achieve a cozy home. Using wax melts isn’t that complicated. It involves a few steps. However, if you want to get the most from your wax melts, avoid making the above mistakes.