The Truth About Employee assessments: Debunking Myths of Pre-Employment Tests!

The Truth About Employee assessments: Debunking Myths of Pre-Employment Tests!

The consequences of having the wrong people can be manifold and can also be distressing not only for the team but also for the business. That is why companies rely on pre-employment tests! Pre-employment tests have become more prevalent, with companies using it for having new talent on board and candidates taking it to be in their dream job.

Pre-employment test offer candidates the chance to show their skills which are not mentioned in the resume. Further, an assessment test that is of high quality have a highly customizable library and offers a ruthless cheating mechanism will let you land in your dream job. It will also help organizations by delivering the insights to the work ethics, selection process, preferences and more of a candidate.

However, with the sudden rise in the popularity of pre-employment tests, there comes a hoard of myths, which is inevitable. So, if you are preparing for these test to land in your dream job, but is perplexed about the common myths related to them, here are some we have debunked:

Myth 1: These tests are not accurate.

Fact: Since pre-employment assessment tests give the automated and comprehensive insights of the candidates’ performance, thereby eliminating any errors, they are accurate. Further, the reports of the test will be delivered directly on your system, which the recruiter will analyze in front of you.

This will increase the chance of having quality candidates offering companies the ease to shortlist candidates with ease. Further, the online tests come with the grading process, which ensures that the test scores are objective and are free of any error.

Myth2: They are very expensive.

Fact: Online tests are not only cost-effective, but also the simplest, valid and reliable method to help you get the job you have dreamt. Recruiters consider it one of the most effective and efficient methods, which help them focus on candidates that are worth hearing. It’s user-friendly and also more cost-effective than any other traditional method of hiring.

Myth3: They are time-consuming.

Fact: Online assessment tests are completely flexible and efficient. You can give the test in your language and can also select the mode of the test. Besides, the length of the test vary from organization to organization.  They can either begin the process with pre-screening to weed some candidates, followed by the in-depth approach of pre-employment by offering applicants to take job-specific and industry-specific questions.

Myth4: The test  offers an additional legal risk on companies.

Fact: If companies use pre-employment test during the hiring process, they will incline to the additional legal risks. However, the fact is that the pre-employment test doesn’t create any risk than any other elements that you might be using in the hiring process. Just make sure that the test should be related to the post for which you are hiring.For instance, you cannot administer a coding test to the candidate who has come for the administrative assistant test.

If the tests are not related to the jobs, you are exposing yourself to the legal risks. Further, using these tests as a part of the hiring process also increases the risk of the company’s legal exposure and can put your organization into additional legal risk. However, if companies implement them properly, the online tests can enhance the objective, accountability and legal defensibility of the hiring process.

Mthy5: The pre-employment tests are used only for specific jobs.

Fact: If you think that the pre-employment test would be the same, irrespective of the position you are applying, you are wrong! There are very few types of pre-employment tests that can be applied for every job.

For instance the cognitive ability test measure candidate’s ability to think critically, solve problems, learn new skills and apply new information. So, if you are applying for an administrative job, don’t think that you will get the same pre employment test that is designed for the coders.

Myth6: These tests will filter good candidates:

Fact: Although the pre-employment tests can filter candidates depending on their overall score, they are no different than the traditional hiring criteria. For instance, if the resume fails to impress you, you can disqualify the applicant, with the risk that you have filtered good candidates.

However, the pre-employment test is like a lens to offer objective, predictive and subjective filtering to hire the best talent.

A great employee is worth in gold; so invest in them and don’t believe in the myths mentioned above.