What Are Building Regulations?

What Are Building Regulations?

Building regulations are a legal requirement to ensure that every structure is built per the safety standards as required by law. These regulations may vary from state to state. The idea behind building regulations is to ensure that the structures are sturdy and can withstand certain conditions.

Applying for building regulations and other related permits is a process you need to do before breaking ground. Not applying for permits and regulations can put your project in jeopardy. In this guide, we look at what building regulations are and why they are important.

What Are Building Regulations?

Many things happen before breaking ground for a new structure. You have to meet an architect and draw the design of the structure. You will also need to consult a quality surveyor and civil engineer to develop structural designs and plans.

Another thing that comes in is feasibility tests to ensure that the project will not bring up any problems for the environment and community around it. Most of the feasibility tests and studies are covered in the planning permits.

As mentioned before, building regulations check to ensure that the structure is safe. Besides that, the regulations also help you hire the right people from Humphreysandsons to manage your project from the design phase to completion.

Failure to maintain building regulations can have serious consequences. You may be charged in a court of law by the relevant authorities in your state. Other than that, you will have to pay hefty fines or risk jail time. In some cases, you will be required to pull the project down or pause it until all checks and permits are completed.

Building regulations cover different aspects related to safety. Some of the basic things covered include accessibility, fire protection, structural integrity, drainage, and ventilation. Building regulations may also come into play during extension and home improvement projects.

Why Building Regulations Are Important

Other than being for your safety and that of others who may live or use the structure, there are several reasons why building regulations are essential. For one, you may struggle to sell the house if you don’t have proof that building regulations were followed.

Another risk is that you may work with the wrong people during construction. Fake architects or engineers may take advantage of this and ignore safety precautions. Besides ending up with an unsafe structure, you may also lose money later.

Building regulations also help ensure that your structure is energy efficient and sustainable. The rules will make sure that all the rooms within the structure receive adequate natural light. You may also be asked to put up solar panels and extra insulation on the walls.

The regulations also check that the building has the needed accessibility options. This is significant, especially if the building is for public use.

Wrapping Up

The process of getting approval from the authorities can be hectic, especially if it is a big project. Ensure that you hire a team of competent professionals so that all your documents are in order. Your application can be rejected if there are any errors in the documents.