What is an Auger Drill and What is It Used For?

What is an Auger Drill and What is It Used For?

Multi-loaders are a more cost-effective substitute for auger specific machinery. Various attachments can be used for performing any drilling tasks, while these units can also be utilized as planters, skid-steers, tree shakers, tractors, and more. There are more than 170 attachments available that can be fitted to augers.

What Are Augers?

Augers are typically tools that looks like a corkscrew, but substantially larger. This tool can be used for drilling, just like using a drill for making a hole in the wall with a standard hand drill. The difference is that these machines are used for larger projects, for instance, drilling boreholes or making holes into metal or wooden structures.

How Do They Work?

Drilling is performed using gouging or cutting motions with a drill bit which is fitted in front. The rotation of the drill uses pressure to penetrate surfaces. This type of drilling is generally used for environmental sampling, mining-related projects, and making holes for poles. Here are some examples of what auger hire is suited for.

  • Fencing – Making holes for inserting fence posts can be a time-consuming task, particularly if your property is large. Using an earth drill ensure a painless and quicker process.
  • Erecting Gazebos In Gardens – Building permanent gazebo structures can be a beautiful addition to any home and provides a relaxing place where you can spend time during the summer. Any permanent outdoor fixture requires posts that are buried deep into the ground for securing it. Augers are used for digging perfectly sized and deep holes for this purpose.
  • DIY Carports – Building carports are relatively easy projects, given you have the appropriate skills and experience. Carports must be stable since you do not want the structure to topple over and fall on your vehicle, especially with high winds. An earth drill is used for drilling deep holes into the ground to plant the posts securely.
  • Planting Seedlings And Bulbs – If you have a large scale gardening project, hiring an auger can simplify the job and you’ll be able to finish the job a lot quicker and more efficiently than having to dig each hole by hand.

Benefits Associated With Augers

  • Drilling allows you to dig vertical holes a lot faster and more efficiently. Labor costs are lower and you can drill holes in smaller diameters which would otherwise be a time-consuming and back-breaking task for laborers. Augers are excellent tools to be utilized for sampling holes due to the way it operates.
  • Augers are incredibly durable and easily maintained, which is why they form a useful function in any construction-related project.


Safe usage of any power tool is paramount; therefore, you must ensure that the auger you are planning on buying or hiring are robust enough for the specific tasks that you want to complete. Make sure you speak to an expert when making your selection to determine which auger attachment for the multi-loader will be the most suited for the jobs you ‘re planning on using it for. With so many attachments to select from, it is useful to find out which one is the right one for you.