What is the OligoScan and What Does The OligoScan Test Do

What is the OligoScan and What Does The OligoScan Test Do

Oligo scan is an advanced device that makes it possible for doctors to test patients for heavy metals and mineral imbalances. It uses spectrophotometer to transfer light through tissues to measure the real-time levels of heavy metals, trace elements, and minerals in the body to detect any deficiencies. The best thing about the test is that it has a fast turnaround time for results, and it is a non-invasive scan that a practitioner can perform quickly and easily in the office.

How does the test happen?

An oligo scan test is a simple, fast, and non-invasive procedure safe for everyone, including children and pregnant women. When you visit the RHWC for the test, a fully trained practitioner uses high-frequency light spectrophotometer to take four pictures from different points on the palm of your hand. You don’t need to give any blood, urine, hair, or other tissue samples, making it a simple test.

Usually, your body keeps minerals and metals in your blood constant by distributing them in and out of tissues. However, a blood test for minerals doesn’t necessarily show the levels in the tissues. Urine tests only determine what the body is capable of excreting, while hair tests measure the levels for weeks or even months ago.

Luckily an oligo scan test produces the results within seconds, and you can view them on a computer screen. According to the scan, each chemical component emits, absorbs, and reflects a specific light wavelength. Therefore it measures the optical density of heavy metals, minerals, and traces of elements present in the skin and blood vessels.

The doctor can send a comprehensive report of the analysis of the results after the test and then tailor the treatment and supplements to your specific situation.

Oligo scan VS other types of tests

An oligo scan is not similar to other laboratory tests to check metal traces in your system. It measures intracellularly while blood tests show recently circulated metals in your body system.

A blood test can only be a suitable toxic metal test in acute situations, and the blood levels of minerals and trace elements are relatively constant. For example, a patient experiencing muscle cramps may demonstrate normal magnesium levels on a blood test, but an oligo scan may show an intracellular magnesium deficiency.

Another standard test is a urinalysis that only determines the excreted metals levels. A drawback of urinalysis is that a routine urine sample rarely shows excreted metals or toxins, and the body must be provoked to show what is present extracellularly.

A hair test is not an accurate depiction of what is currently happening in the body because it shows what has been there in the last few months. If your body doesn’t detoxify properly, there will be traces of metal present in the hair, and the test may have a false negative result while there are still heavy metal traces in your system.

Moreover, you have to wait for a few weeks to get the blood, urine, and hair test results, which can be inconvenient. An oligo test beats such tests because it is fast, easy, and produces results within seconds.

Why you should take an oligo test

Oligo Scan test

The presence of a toxic metal, inadequate or too many minerals in your body can contribute to an infection. For instance, many people suffer oral diseases due to heavy metals in drinking water. Mineral imbalances are quite prevalent due to processed foods, lack of minerals in the soil, and eating acidic related foods.

However, it is nearly impossible to avoid toxic metals exposure present in food, water, and the air we breathe. Luckily an oligo test examines the mineral levels in your body in real-time so that the practitioner can determine your mineral and deficiency needs.

Who is a good candidate for an oligo test?

A couple planning to conceive. The correction of any imbalances can promote healthy outcomes for the baby.

  • People who spend more time in polluted cities.
  • People exposed to chemical fertilizers and pesticide sprays on farms.
  • People who live in mining areas such as those that produce nickel, lead, aluminum, and silver.
  • Postmenopausal women: the test can indicate any problems withhormonal, bone, metabolic, and immune health.
  • People who constantly eat processed foods.
  • People exposed to chemicals in their environment.
  • People who don’t usually excrete toxins well.
  • People who smoke cigarettes or have chemical addictions.
  • People with dental amalgams or metal fillings.
  • Anyone who wants to know about their body’s mineral deficiencies for better health in the future.


Oligo scan is an innovative test that practitioners use to quickly assess the traces of heavy metals in your body system. It allows you to know the level of toxic metal traces in your body and identify any mineral deficiencies. That way, a practitioner can prescribe supplements and treatment to address them and promote better health.