Where in The World do Slots Really Reign Supreme?

Where in The World do Slots Really Reign Supreme?

Casino gaming has long since been a favoured pastime around the world, with up to 26% of the entire population admitting to gambling on a regular basis. The United States is considered to be one of the most active when it comes to casino gaming, in particular Slots. In fact, a study found that a massive 48% of all American gamblers choose to play Slots, over any other casino-based game. With casino promotions and new-and-improved Slots bringing even more players to online casinos each and every year, so it’s no wonder that virtual Slots have quickly become a worldwide phenomenon!

Read on as we talk you through some of the top locations round the world where Slots really reign supreme.

The United States

As mentioned, America really is a giant in the world of Slots. In 2019, gaming machines in the US generated a whopping $10.8 million, with that figure predicted to increase by another two million by 2024.

At first, slot machines seemed to be more targeted towards women and the elderly, whilst the men would more commonly play Blackjack and other table-top games. As the years went by, Slots began to feature more heavily in casinos, with so many different varieties of the game continuously being created. Today, these one-armed bandits make up 80% of all American casinos’ income, attracting all types of audiences. What’s more, the rise of online casino gaming has only made Slots even more popular.


Italy holds the title of the fourth country in the world to have the largest gambling market, with the turning point coming only their government loosened the gambling legislation around slot machines, only a decade ago. After these changes, there was a 18.8% rise in slot machine activity – showing that Italians truly enjoy playing Slots.


Another nation who has an undeniable love for all things Slots is Germany, who favour this style of casino gaming over all others. In 2017, the popularity of Slots reached an all time high, with wins hitting a gross total of $7.8 million.

Germany is set to see the opposite effect to what happened with the Italian casino scene, whereby there are plans to bring in even more gambling legislation to limit the number of brick-and-mortar casinos allowed to open. However not to worry, as there’s always online casino to fall back on for players to get their Slots fix!

The United Kingdom

Here in the UK, it’s no secret that Slots are a big favourite amongst gamblers. In fact, players in the UK seem to be the most responsive to promotional offers that are put out by online casinos. According to the Gambling Commission of the United Kingdom, the total yield in gambling is set to have hit £14.8 billion for 2020. The majority of this figure is made up of online casinos, as they continue to be on the rise. There’s been a 4.3% rise in profits and winnings gathered from all areas of online casino gaming in the UK.