Why PPE is important in the workplace

Why PPE is important in the workplace

PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment and provides workers with extra protection against accidents or hazards. PPE is an important safety measure in many industries, especially those that are known to be hazardous like manufacturing and construction.

It’s important for companies to identify the safety equipment employees will need to effectively carry out their job without causing themselves bodily harm. This also includes providing staff with the correct PPE in the right size and fit. Below we’ve highlighted some of the most important PPE needed across different sectors.

Head protection

Hard hats should be worn on construction sites and inside factories to protect staff from falling objects and debris. It’s important to make sure your head is always protected, and you have the appropriate head gear that fits correctly for the job that you do.

Hearing protection

Working in construction sites, warehouses, and factories means you’re never too far away from industrial machinery. Earplugs and earmuffs are common ear protection tools to protect workers ears from harmful noise levels.

Feet protection

Wearing steel toe capped boots are standard for construction and factory workers and these should be worn at all times when you’re on site. Make sure these are slip resistant with high tread to avoid any slips or trips and foot injuries. Whilst you may be a careful worker, there’s no telling what mess someone has left on the floor, and you don’t want to risk accidentally standing on a dropped nail.

Eyes and face protection

Safety goggles, face shields, and face masks should be provided if employees are working with metal, wood, and chemicals. Regardless of how careful you are, there’s always the likely danger of flying debris or splashed chemicals. Never underestimate the importance of having protective eyewear as eye injuries can lead to permanent loss of issues.

High visibility clothing

High visibility clothing is made from reflective components so the wearer can be seen no matter what. If you are working in a high traffic area, wearing hi-vis clothing is incredibly important so drivers and pedestrians can see you. High visibility clothing is also worn by security, construction workers, factory workers, and police.

Wearing PPE is vital in the workplace to avoid unnecessary injury. Safety is important and having access to the correct PPE for your job is important too. Always familiarise yourself with the health and safety rules at your workplace and if you are unsure of something, consult your health and safety advisor.