Working from Home? Here are 4 tips to Stay Motivated

Working from Home? Here are 4 tips to Stay Motivated

We get it, you’re working from home and it’s extremely hard to stay motivated during the day. Maybe you’re all by yourself and you’re not one to enjoy being alone. Which results in a lack of motivation. But you’re done being unmotivated, right? That’s why we came up with 4 tips to stay motivated and productive during your workday (at home).

  1. Keep a to-do list

It’s useful to know what can be expected of you per working day. That’s why it is important to outline your own expectations of that day. For instance, you can make a to-do list for yourself. This is a good way to start your workday. By making your own to-do list, you’ll have an overview of what you have to accomplish that day.

After the expectations are set and clear, it’s time to get to work. To achieve a productive working environment, it’s important to have access to proper equipment. Your employer can rent a laptop or rent a MacBook for you with the right software programs installed. Not having to install everything yourself on an old and slow laptop, can save you loads of time.

  1. Work- and personal life boundaries

When working from home, there is a thin line between work- and personal life. We understand that working from home in your comfy clothes is much more fun. However, this does not make you any more productive. When it comes to work, you need to set some boundaries for yourself. It is wise to act like you’re going to the office in order to create the same workflow. For example, dress like you would go to the office and stick to a 9-to-5 working schedule. There are even people who go for a walk before starting their work, which gives them the feeling that they actually travel to their job. This can lead to a higher productivity.

  1. Set goals!

By setting goals and seeing results, you tend to stay more motivated. Even if you’re working with colleagues who are at different locations, it’s important to keep up the teams’ development. It could make a huge difference when you have a meeting and the progression is made visible. There are different programs where you can make a to-do list with your whole team. In this way, you not only increase your own productivity but also that of your colleagues.

  1. Connect with colleagues

When working from home, you don’t speak to your colleagues as much as you used to. You only see them in that one call or weekly ZOOM meeting. The absence of small talk with your colleagues at the coffee counter or the copying machine can be pitiful. Though it’s important to reach out to your colleagues outside of your work. You can easily give your favourite colleagues a call to chit chat about your personal life. Do you wish to see each other? Go for a walk together, grab a coffee to go and have a good time! This will give you a break from work and you’ll maintain contact with your colleagues; a win-win situation.

Hopefully, you’ll become more and more successful while working from home with these tips!