3 Signs that You Should Try Therapy

3 Signs that You Should Try Therapy

A lot of people fear therapy. Maybe they are scared of what family or friends will think or are worried that starting therapy confirms their worst fears. Although it’s understandable to have worries given tired stigmas related to therapy and mental health, it doesn’t have to be overly complicated.

If you think you could benefit from therapy, it may be best to find a therapist and try it out. The stigma surrounding mental health is decreasing and therapy is helpful for a lot of issues. It could be the one thing that helps you break through a mental barrier that you have been dealing with. Therapy can be useful for almost everyone, but here are some signs that it may be just what you need at the moment:

You find yourself letting work stress get to you when not at work


For all of us, work stress can really ratchet up when the tasks pile up. However, is your work life affecting your personal relationships? This is an important indicator that you need to take a step back and think about what you can do to alleviate some of your work stress. Having someone to talk to who isn’t a family member or a coworker is great for feeling comfortable, open, and safe. Going to therapy can give you some third person insight that someone close to you might not be able to provide.

A therapist can teach you coping mechanisms for work stress like breathing techniques, compassionately challenging your own unhelpful negative self-talk, better accessing your support network, meditation, and other relaxation strategies. You won’t regret taking the extra hour a week to spend on yourself untangling  your thoughts. Work stress needs to stay at work and be explored and addressed with the right practices—therapy being one of them.

You have a hard time enjoying things you love


You may want to head online and search for therapists in DC the second you feel yourself not caring about your favorite hobbies and activities. This is a telling sign that you’re struggling with something under the surface.For example, maybe sadness about the loss of a pet or a relationship is causing you to have a hard time and that grief is making you lose interest in important parts of your life. Working with a therapist can help you understand that connection and begin to change how it’s impacting your life.

Therapists can help you locate the source of your current mental state and get you back to the place where you want to be. Take advantage of all the compassionate and expert therapists in the DC area when considering your mental health.

You are particularly struggling with personal relationships


Something that really takes a toll on mental health is when personal relationships are in a bad place. This could mean anything from a friendship falling apart, to a breakup, or the death of a loved one. Taking the time to see a therapist and discuss what you are going through can make you feel so much better. It also is almost better to speak to someone removed from the situation like a therapist so that you don’t have to ask friends to take sides when friendships and relationships get messy.

Without a therapist, it can be hard to navigate letting someone go or struggling with ongoing relationship issues. Relationships are a huge part of what makes us human. When relationships are going poorly, they can be detrimental to quality of life. Therapists can help  teach you the art of letting go and finding peace and satisfaction on your own.

Take these signs into consideration when thinking of ways to maximize your mental health and seek the help you need. Therapy can be a forever thing or just something to get you through a stressful or sad time.