4 Deep Cleaning Tips to Combat COVID-19

4 Deep Cleaning Tips to Combat COVID-19

With the current outbreak of coronavirus around the world, you might be wondering what you can do to limit your risk of contracting the novel virus. Guidelines worldwide recommend washing your hands several times a day and before and after coming into contact with other people, touching things in public areas like gas pumps, and when returning home or arriving at work. But deep cleaning your home can also help. Many people are worried about the virus getting onto surfaces in their homes even after washing their hands. Here’s what you can do:

#1. Hire a Professional Cleaner:

Professional cleaners are trained to deal with this kind of thing. They know exactly what to do to disinfect surfaces thoroughly and have the right cleaning products and protective equipment to get the job done. If you’re worried about the prospect of having somebody in your home during the pandemic, there are some steps you can take to minimize risk. Ideally, you should be outside of your home while the cleaner is inside or always be in another room and avoid contact with them as much as possible. Give instructions over the phone or by text message and pay with a bank transfer to avoid physical contact. You can find a cleaner in Newham here.

#2. Clean Regularly:

If you’d rather clean yourself, then clean regularly and pay attention to the surfaces that you don’t normally clean every day, like your sofa for example. But it’s unlikely that the virus will have transferred to your furniture if you have washed your hands and changed your clothes upon arriving into your home before using it. Most importantly are the items in your home that you will have to touch before you can get to a basin to wash your hands, like doorknobs and handles. Make sure that they are wiped down regularly using a disinfectant.

#3. Items Brought Inside:

So far, we know that COVID-19 can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days after traces of it were found on the Diamond Princess cruise ship over two weeks after passengers disembarked. Because of this, you should be extra careful to clean anything that you bring into your home. If you go grocery shopping, for example, you don’t know who has touched the items that you buy before you did, so you should wipe them down using antibacterial wipes or a disinfectant spray.

#4. Deep Clean:

If you are self-isolating and do not plan to leave your home for the next couple of weeks at least, now is a great time to deep clean. Not only does it mean that you will have a pleasant place to stay when you’re indoors all the time, but it will also get rid of any traces of the virus that might be lurking in your home and help you stay healthy. Disinfect all floors and surfaces and wash your soft furnishings and clothes on a high heat setting.

Chances are if you have no symptoms and you’re following the guidelines and washing your hands and clothes regularly, particularly after going outside, there won’t be traces of COVID-19 in your home. But a spring clean can help you get more peace of mind and make your home a nicer place to be.