4 Most Common Phobias And How To Overcome Them

4 Most Common Phobias And How To Overcome Them

Phobias are one of the most common psychiatric illnesses in the world. They are a form of anxiety which causes a person to react irrationally about something they fear. Phobias can be in response to anything from creatures, to places.

The problem with phobias is that some people will go out of their way to avoid their phobia to the point that it controls their lives. Their fear is so extreme; they actually believe their lives are in danger in its presence.

The good news for the millions of people in the United States alone with diagnosed phobias is that they are diagnosable.

Here are some of the most common phobias out there.

Fear Of Blood (Hemophobia)

A tremendous amount of people have an irrational fear of blood, needles, and going under the knife.  Some people experience such a dramatic decrease in blood pressure at the sight of blood that they faint.

Because of this reason, people’s fear of blood can increase even more since on top of their fear of blood; they also fear fainting. Since fainting can lead to serious injury, people with blood phobias should be careful when in situations where they may see blood. Doctors treat the phobia by teaching patients to reason with their reaction rationally.

Fear of Spiders (Arachnophobia)

People who fear the creepy crawlies to the point of overwhelming panic have arachnophobia. Believe it or not, it’s one of the top phobias, appearing in as many as 1 in 4 people.

So, how do so many people have a fear of the same thing?  One theory is that once upon a time, our ancestors were legitimately afraid of them because of lack of medical knowledge, and therefore the fear was passed down through evolution.

Fear Of Heights (Acrophobia)

Many people find they get a little woozy walking on the edge of a high surface. However, people who have full-fledged acrophobia have much more of a reaction than just slight dizziness.

People who are afraid of heights will go to serious lengths to avoid any sorts of buildings or bridges. In many cases, they’ll go out of their way to drive the long way home or avoid making appointments in places that require going up in an elevator. This kind of fear can start to take its toll on your life in very serious ways since it determines so many aspects of your day.

Fear Of Social Situations (Social Anxiety)

Some people have such fear of social situations that they avoid leaving their house altogether. Since this is one of the more serious phobias, it’s recommended that individuals receive intensive treatment as early on as possible. This is done through a series of desensitizing them to their irrational fear and teaching them coping mechanisms that help them rationalize.