4 Tips for Getting Quality Restful Sleep

4 Tips for Getting Quality Restful Sleep

When we are younger, sleep is not really something most of us will worry about. It seems to come so naturally and effortlessly. As the years go by though, sleep for some ceases to be such a simple unconscious event. Even when they do catch some sleep, it’s not of sufficient quantity or quality to ensure the body is rejuvenated and reenergized to face a new day.

If you find yourself in this kind of predicament, all is not lost. There are actions you can take to improve and restore the quality of your sleep time. We look at some of the most important tips below.

1.   Select the Right Bed, Mattress and Pillow

When it comes to a good bed, there’s no one size fits all. That being said, there are certain minimums to ensure you have the right posture and an acceptable level of comfort.

For example, if you share the bed with someone else, make sure there’s sufficient room for all of you. This is especially important if the two parents and their child sleep on the same bed. The lack of space can force you into uncomfortable positions that will eventually determine how well you sleep.

Similarly, the type of pillow and mattress matters. The wrong mattress can leave you with back pain and body aches that routinely keep you awake at night.

2.   Develop a Strict Schedule

Every person has an inner sleeping schedule hardwired into their system. It’s referred to as the circadian clock and is what causes you to drift into sleep each night and wake up in the morning. It’s a good thing since having a predictable sleeping schedule firms up your body’s sleep-cycle which makes it easier for to fall asleep at a specific time every day.

Nevertheless, this sleep cycle can be thrown off balance. For example, if you have to stay up late to attend to a crying baby or if you party till the morning too often, your body’s sleep cycle loses its predictable rhythm. It subsequently becomes harder to fall asleep. By going out of your way to stick to a sleep routine, you raise the chances of having a more restful night.

3.   Create a Conducive Sleep Environment

There’s a reason why the ideal bedroom has a different design from the living room or other space in the house. The environment of the bedroom plays a part in inducing good quality sleep. Make sure the noise level, humidity, temperature and lighting minimizes the likelihood of sleep disruption.

Get a humidifier, a fan, extra blankets, earplugs, eye covers, blackout curtains and other devices that will create an appropriate environment. In addition to these direct tools, keeping your bedroom neat and organized is just as vital. There’s something about a chaotic atmosphere that makes a room less inviting. This can of itself make it harder for you to get into the right mood for sleep.

4.   Don’t Smoke Especially Just Before Bedtime

The reason smoking is so addictive is because it is a stimulant. Heavy smoking is unlikely to coexist with quality sleep. Ergo, the best way to ensure it doesn’t affect your sleep is to quit smoking altogether or switch to e-cigarettes (e.g. https://www.vapour.com/).

If you cannot quit smoking, then only smoke during the day as opposed to the evenings (especially the hours preceding your sleep time). Of course other than the negative effect on sleep patterns, smoking just before you sleep is a fire hazard. If you drowse off with a cigarette in hand, you could burn yourself or in the worst case, set the house on fire.

Even for people who seem to fall asleep with no problem, good quality sleep is never accidental. The above tips can ensure your bedtime gives your body the rest it needs to get you in the right frame of mind to realize your goals for the day.