4 Tips for Natural Pet Healthcare

4 Tips for Natural Pet Healthcare

These days there seems to be an increase of heavy medical use for the smallest of problems. People take medicine for symptoms that are either easily manageable by nature or have to do with emotional problems and stress.

Sometimes these problems need to be tended to with gentler methods. What’s more, medication can sometimes prevent an organism from harboring its own defense mechanisms and can further debilitate the immune system. This doesn’t mean that you should absolutely ignore the medicine or avoid getting the best pet insurance. Many alternative methods have proven to be of help to people, but what about their pets?

1. Natural and Home Remedies

Many of prescribed drugs are not in the least naive, and can sometimes do more harm, as there can be more unwanted side effects than benefits. You should always be precautious with medicine, since alleviating symptoms isn’t the same as cutting the problem at the root.

Natural remedies are much gentler in this regard and serve to stimulate better functioning of the immune system rather than substitute it temporarily. There are plenty of DIY ways you can deal with various problems, ranging from bad skin and hair conditions, muscle pains, digestive upset, bad breath, and stress.

These can provide a budget-friendly solution, however, buying natural remedies and supplements can in some cases work as a better solution. But before you decide on buying anything, you should always seek professional opinion first.

2. Nutrition and Detox

The liver and kidneys – which are tasked with detoxification of the body – are usually weak points for both cats and dogs. As those organs are much smaller in your pets, it takes less time for them to become overloaded and wear down.

Due to chemicals from living in areas which are often treated with pesticides, as they bring in the harmful particles on their paws and fur, it’s a good idea to wash their paws and bathe them regularly with natural shampoos.

What’s also important is a healthy diet. Pre-made food is usually filled with grains, and you should avoid them as much as possible and focus on a mostly raw and balanced diet with rotations of protein types.

You should consult your local holistic vet for the types of herbs usually used to aid the body’s natural detoxification process such as milk thistle, cranberry and corn silk. Always consult the vet on the dosage and means of applying the natural remedies to your pets!

Natural Pet Healthcare

3. Massage and Acupuncture

For dealing with chronic pains and maladies, you can try veterinary acupuncture, as it proves to be an effective way of diagnosing as well as healing. This is an alternative treatment method that can alleviate pain, speed up recovery and help regain mobility in a non-painful and non-stressful way when done properly and professionally.

Massage can stimulate circulation and help eliminate toxins and wastes from their organism.

Scientists have recently linked intestinal problems to mood and overall brain function, so this can also improve your pet’s behavior, ability to focus, and help with training and performance.

4. Music and Aromatherapy

Just as people, dogs these days are more prone to stress and anxiety. This is due to changes in lifestyle that is not yet suited to their needs. Dogs need to be a part of the pack, and so being alone and not having a purpose can sometimes cause even acute anxiety.

We use essential oils to reduce anxiety and inflammation, as they have proven through history to bring benefits to our well-being by calming the nerves and decreasing harmful stress. Aromatherapy has also proven to work with animals, targeting the limbic system, which is a part of the brain in charge of emotions and mood.

Music is also known to tend to the emotional state of dogs, but our musical tastes slightly differ. Some studies have shown that dogs react to music played one octave lower and slower than we usually do.