4 Ways to Enhance Staff Morale During the COVID crisis

4 Ways to Enhance Staff Morale During the COVID crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives of millions of employees around the world. It is vital that companies deliver a positive employee experience and keep businesses running during these unprecedented times. Low morale can result in increased business costs due to staff’s high turnover and potentially increased employee absence. Therefore, companies must look to increase employee satisfaction and engagement to improve productivity and lower costs. Here are 4 ways to enhance staff morale during the COVID-19 crisis.


Clear and precise communication with your team is essential during this pandemic. If employees know what is happening every step of the way and what the company’s aims are, they will be more trusting and relaxed. If employees lack a clear understanding of the situation, they may feel frustrated or scared, which, consequently, negatively influences employee experience in the workplace.

Plan to communicate frequently and honestly with your team on a regular basis. Whether in the office or working from home, make sure you communicate with staff and encourage them to talk freely and voice their concerns. Take an interest in each member of the team and operate an “open door” policy.

Keep It Fun

Keeping a sense of humor and maintaining social bonds is essential in difficult times.  Employees working from home or in self-isolation may spend 24 hours a day alone, so it’s crucial for their mental health and the business’s good that they are happy.

Having regular meetings keeps staff interacting on a business level, but social interaction is essential too. You could offer weekly fun activities for employees such as Fancy Dress Friday, cocktail making, trivia nights, or a virtual holiday party during the festive season.

You could organize a virtual exercise class or yoga lesson to ensure your employees keep fit and healthy. Healthy body, healthy mind!

Be Flexible

The pandemic will affect each employee in different ways. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you treat your employees as individuals and on a case by case basis. One employee may be fit and healthy, with no family responsibilities, and be able to work quite happily onsite. Whereas another employee may have health issues, meaning they have to self-isolate and cannot come to the office.  Others will have families at home they need to provide care for.  Ensure you accommodate your staff’s timetables and needs as fairly as possible, and they will appreciate you for doing so.


The best way to increase staff morale is to recognize and reward.  Staff will appreciate that you notice their achievements and will make them feel worthwhile and needed.

Feature employees on your company blog or newsletter. By featuring employees in your company blog or newsletter, you not only give them the recognition they deserve, but you broadcast what your company values in top employees. This is great for recruiting as well as motivating current employees.

Send tokens such as care packages filled with COVID-19 fighting accessories, such as hand gel and face masks, sweet treats, and even a bottle of wine. Write personal letters of thanks and understanding or have a day a week where all staff members will praise one staff member and recognize their strengths.