5 Easy to Make Homemade Drinks to Lose Belly Fat Fast

5 Easy to Make Homemade Drinks to Lose Belly Fat Fast

It goes without saying that shedding belly fat involves exercising the abdominal muscles. And when you want to quicken the process, you can also include fat burning homemade drinks into your daily diet. Combining these two natural ways helps in melting your fat as quickly as possible. So in this article, you’ll find 5 easy to make homemade drinks to lose belly fat fast.

You can skip the workout and choose to just consume these homemade drinks. Or vice versa! You’ll be able to drop those extra kilos alright. But the process will be slower than you can imagine. So my advice to you would be to combine both methods if you want immediate results.

The thing about homemade fat burning drinks is that they’re simple to prepare. And they make the journey easier. So why miss out on such an opportunity when you can make the most of it!

Also, the drinks offer powerful cleansing properties. The kind that removes toxins to revive your metabolism levels for natural, healthy weight loss. So if you’re thinking about buying that iced tea maker or juicer blender, now is the time to go ahead with the purchase!

What Makes Homemade Drinks So Effective For Losing Belly Fat?


Photo credit: dailyburn.com

Cooking healthy meals takes time, right? But preparing drinks for shedding weight is both easy and healthy. Drinking a glass of fresh fruit or vegetable smoothie first thing in the morning offers a lot of benefits. So do that instead of opting for toast and cereal!

If you’re on a mission to lose some extra pounds, it’s important to incorporate homemade drinks.

10 Ingredients That Make Delicious Weight Loss Drinks and Smoothies


Photo credit: healthyforgood.heart.org

  1. Berries
  2. Lemon
  3. Apples
  4. Coconut
  5. Cayenne pepper
  6. Apple cider vinegar
  7. Red tea
  8. Almonds
  9. Spinach
  10. Hemp seeds

5 Easy To Make Homemade Drinks to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Now it’s time to get to know how to prepare the drinks using some of these natural ingredients.

#1 Cayenne Pepper Smoothie


Photo credit: consumerhealthdigest.com

Not many people know this but cayenne pepper burns calories. All thanks to its spicy flavor. When you consume cayenne pepper, it performs three primary functions. These include melting fat, suppressing appetite, and stimulating metabolism.

The smoothie discussed below tastes just like any frozen lemonade. But with that perfect spicy kick!


  • Lemon juice of two lemons
  • Half a cucumber, sliced
  • Cayenne pepper (a pinch)
  • Half a tablespoon of maple syrup
  • Cold water in a glass
  • A cup of ice cubes


  1. Use your blender to prepare a mixture of all the ingredients.
  2. Wait for it to attain a smooth consistency.
  3. Then pour it into a glass and drink while fresh and ice cold.

#2 Apple Cider Vinegar Drink


Photo credit: wellandgood.com

You honestly don’t need 5 easy to make homemade drinks to lose belly fat fast. Especially if you know how to prepare this one! It is considered to be a magic drink to reduce belly fat.

The recipe includes water that keeps you hydrated. While apple cider vinegar (ACV) does its job of boosting metabolism! One your metabolism starts working like it should, weight loss is inevitable. Then there’s lemon juice as well. It’s the ingredient responsible for making the taste of vinegar a little tolerable.

Please note that it’s important to opt for the organic version of apple cider vinegar.


  • 1 teaspoon of organic ACV
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Water in a glass


  1. Bring together all the four ingredients. You can use a large size glass for the task.
  2. Stir the blend well before drinking it.
  3. Three times a day before each meal works like magic.

#3 Almond Coconut Smoothie


Photo credit: easyhealthysmoothie.com

This is one of the most effective fat burning drinks. The presence of almonds and coconut stimulates the shedding of fat in a natural manner.

You should know that every weight loss routine is incomplete without almonds. As for coconut milk, it cuts down your calories and fat in half (coconut milk nutrition). And that’s not it; there are bananas and coconut oil in here too. It’s a creamy shake with tropical vibes. Along with powerful fat burning properties!


  • Half a banana (frozen)
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of almond butter
  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • A cup of ice


  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Wait for it to become smooth. That shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes.
  3. Drink while fresh to make the most of the smoothie.

#4 Red Tea


Photo credit: infoaging.org

Did you know that red tea offers fat-fighting properties? In fact, the antioxidants present in red tea prevent the formation of many diseases. And all this without the presence of caffeine! Isn’t that amazing?

This tea, much like white, black, and green, possesses flavonoids. So it’s an effective weight loss ingredient. And here’s how you can prepare red tea derived from Rooibos plant.


  • 1 tea bag of red tea or 1 teaspoon of red tea leaves
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Water in a glass


  1. Boil the water before pouring into a large mug equipped with the tea and lemon juice.
  2. Let it stand for at least 5 minutes.
  3. You can opt for a cup of Rooibos tea even at night as it contains zero caffeine.

#5 Apple Cinnamon Smoothie


Photo credit: reciperunner.com

What apple contains is plenty of fiber and water. Eating an apple a day keeps your weight as well as health in check. On the other hand, cinnamon prevents fat accumulation in the body. So let’s find out how to combine the two.

Also, when you blend them together, what you get is a sweet outcome. That tastes very much like apple pie. But with weight loss advantages!


  • 1 cored apple, quartered
  • One-fourth teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of ACV
  • 1 cup of almond milk (unsweetened)
  • 1 cup of ice cubes


  1. Combine them all in the blender.
  2. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the smoothie to achieve a rich consistency.
  3. Drink while fresh and cold.

Ready to Drink Up?

Try incorporating these 5 easy to make homemade drinks to lose belly fat fast into your daily life. As they tend to speed up the weight shedding process. Special ingredients such as apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, and coconut milk improve metabolism. So your body starts to burn those extra calories in the most natural manner.

Here’s a video that might also help in losing belly fat:

[YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqxxtxXWMsM]

If you have any other highly effective recipes to share with us here, please do so. You can also drop in your thoughts and feedback below. All you have to do is get to the comments section.

Thank you for reading. I hope you come back for more.

About the author:

Barbara Davis describes herself as a passionate mom blogger. The kind who’s ready to talk about both positive and negative aspects of pregnancy, motherhood, and parenting! Her ultimate goal is to create content that’s easy to relate to. So the articles she writes stems from both her personal and professional experiences.


  1. http://www.nftips.com/2014/01/natural-homemade-drinks-for-losing.html
  2. https://homeremediesforlife.com/lose-belly-fat/
  3. https://easyhealthysmoothie.com/homemade-drink-lose-weight-fast/