5 Health and Fitness Tips for Busy People

5 Health and Fitness Tips for Busy People

We all understand the importance of nutrition and exercise on our bodies. No one plans to get out of shape; it just happens as a natural part of life with other things taking priority.

Still, in the back of most people’s heads is the reminder that we need to eat better and be more active. It’s that annoying voice that pipes in to ask us if we really need that other slice of pizza or tries to convince us to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

A busy person has to do what they can to juggle their time, though. The fastest route to your destination is a straight shot—or, in this case, an elevator.

When you want to get healthy, but your schedule demands your time is spent on other things, it can be frustrating.

If you can’t hit the gym every day or meal prep nutritional meals, these five health and fitness tips might work better for you.

1. Start Small

So an hour at the gym isn’t going to work for your schedule. That’s fine! That does not, however, mean you can’t get some activity in somewhere during your day.

As a busy and productive person, you probably spend time in the morning creating your daily to-do list and time blocking it all out. Where in the transition between tasks, or during them, can you be active for ten minutes?

If you have a call scheduled, talk on your treadmill or as you walk around the block. Take stretch breaks as much as possible, at least hourly, to improve your circulation.

Start with short activities planned and slowly add a few more minutes each time. Every little bit is better than nothing!

2. Choose Quality Foods

Your demanding schedule might not leave a lot of time for planning ahead, but you can still pick better options during the day.

Knowing how nutrition works will help you narrow down quality foods. For instance, too much sodium leads to high blood pressure. This is a dangerous condition that many people don’t take seriously. Known as ‘the silent killer,’ it’s one of the leading causes of heart conditions and strokes.

While you’re avoiding the bad ingredients, try to include good ones. Anything with antioxidants is a great start. Berries and certain nuts are loaded with these free-radical fighting compounds.

If meat is on the menu, choose grass-fed plates as much as possible. These are more likely to carry antioxidants into the cooking process.

Never starve yourself or skip meals. Your body needs calories to function optimally! Go for quality food choices and fill up on healthy fuel.

3. Include Your Family in Health Improvement

The “do as I say, not as I do,” philosophy of parenting isn’t quite as effective as role modeling proper health choices.

To live a truly healthy lifestyle, your work and home life need to be in balance. This is not easy to do with a hectic schedule. But when you include your family with your health goals, it’s a win for everyone.

Take your kids for a walk or to the park and play with them there. Do some at-home workouts that the whole family can join.

Dinners at the table are usually healthier than restaurant fare because you can portion control easier. Get everyone involved in the fitness movement and you’re more likely to be successful. You’re also teaching your children young about the importance of being healthy.

4. Get Better Sleep

What? Sleep more with the busy schedule you have? No way.

You don’t have to sleep more. Your sleep quality needs to be better.

 If you’re tossing and turning or not getting enough deep REM rest, you are more likely to feel sluggish the next day. Your immune system is also declining without you noticing. Over time, you’ll be sick more often than usual.

To promote restful sleep patterns, start with these little habit changes:

  • Go to sleep and wake up on a consistent schedule
  • Make your room a no-electronics zone
  • Avoid caffeine after lunch
  • Take a bedtime supplement, like melatonin

With better quality sleep, you might notice you don’t need as much to get you by. This, in turn, helps you reduce the stress of your busy schedule!

5. Grocery Shop with Intent

If you don’t have the unhealthy food around you, you can’t eat it, right?

Sure, you can order it to be delivered, but that requires more thought. You can talk yourself out of it faster than grabbing that bag of chips and accidentally eating the entire thing.

With InstaCart delivery and all the other online grocery shopping programs, it’s easier to shop with intent. If you can, meal plan your week as much as possible. Then only buy foods that have quality ingredients in them.

Even if your favorite ice cream or cookies are on sale, just say no. Do not add them to your cart. Find a tasty but healthy alternative to junk food snacking instead. Your body will reward you long after the tasty, but unhealthy, treat is gone.