5 Health Benefits of Seeing a Therapist

5 Health Benefits of Seeing a Therapist

Fear is the most common emotion to experience when the idea of seeing a therapist crosses your mind. The feeling is understandable considering they are mainly associated with the doctors who aid mentally ill individuals. Despite the fact, therapists are not solely for people who have mental disorders or disabilities, nor should they carry a negative stigma. People with mental illnesses are normal people too.

Furthermore, mental health is vital to one’s overall well-being, and regardless if they have a mental illness or not, a therapist’s purpose is to help them overcome their emotional obstacles in order to live life to the fullest. Now, isn’t that what we all want?

These are five benefits of seeing a therapist:

Finding the root causes of emotions and problems becomes a lot clearer

When it comes to confronting our own emotions, we tend to put up mental blocks that prevent us from truly acknowledging a situation in its entirety, such as intentionally suppressing or denying the existence of them. Sometimes, we may not even realize we have an underlying problem in the first place without another person informing us. A therapist can help you get to the root cause of issues and help you break down the emotional walls that prevent you from confronting them. Through this process, you learn to become more self-aware of your reactions and tendency to avoid certain emotions.

Implementing healthy coping mechanisms versus harmful ones

Stress is inevitable and overwhelming. To some, experiencing it is like hell on earth. Because that is the case, people develop unhealthy coping mechanisms and habits that are more harmful than helpful when it comes to handling their stress – and can even make it worse. Take for example a person who abuses drugs and alcohol to avoid difficult emotions, such as insecurity or sadness. They may end up developing an addiction without ever meaning to do so. Through a therapy session approaching stress, you can come to acknowledge your current coping mechanisms and learn how to change your behaviors, actions, and reactions to stressors if necessary. Therefore, in the future when you’re in the face of overwhelming emotion again, you react with rationality as opposed to impulsivity and develop emotional resilience.

Therapists provide unlimited support during a difficult time

While it’s always assuring to speak to friends and family during difficult times in your life, it may sometimes feel that all they can do is support you and not guide you forward. That’s not to say they’re incapable of providing that for you, it’s just that they may or may not have the experience to deal with what you are currently enduring appropriately. A therapist has studied psychology and human nature in every single way possible – meaning they can offer insight on anything. They act as an unbiased third-party perspective outside your life who has no emotional attachment to your situation, giving them the ability to look at your situation and give advice accordingly logically. Sometimes, the best way to untangle the emotions in your mind and heart is with the help of someone who does not personally know or expect anything of you.

You learn how to be more compassionate for yourself

Believe it or not, but seeing a therapist is an act of self-care, regardless if you have a mental illness or not. You are purposely spending the time and money to see professional help in order to propel yourself to move forward in life or overcome a difficult and traumatic circumstance. Over time, you will come to see that therapy is a gateway into emotional wellness and understanding, as well as a catalyst for developing self-compassion and love for oneself. If you purposely choose to seek a therapist, you do love and care for yourself, and that is an incredible thing to behold.

You can be honest without fear of judgment

You can be honest with a therapist about anything from the bottom of your heart – they have seen and heard everything. While yes, you may feel an initial fear talking about such personal things with a complete stranger, but in the space of a therapist’s office, you are encouraged to be vulnerable and honest with not only them but also yourself. Regardless of the intensity or confusion over your emotions or thoughts, a therapist will be there to guide you through them. Gather the courage to be confrontational with yourself. Some people will live their whole lives without ever knowing themselves.

At the end of the day, a therapist will only provide you with the most positive benefits. Therapists are people who help others for a living, regardless of the person’s emotional situation or mental health. No matter who you are, you are still a human being experiencing issues and emotions like everyone else in the world and will need additional support from time to time. You shouldn’t discredit the use of therapy in your life. You would be surprised at what you can discover about yourself!