5 Healthy Reasons To Use Whey Protein

5 Healthy Reasons To Use Whey Protein

Whey protein is an essential protein source commonly used by athletes for boosting muscle growth. Probably due to ignorance, some people think the importance of whey protein is limited to its use as a dietary supplement for promoting the growth of muscles. In that case, we’ve decided to draw your attention to the multiple health benefits of whey protein. Finally, below are the 5 health-related reasons to use whey protein.

Source of High-Quality Protein

Whey is a by-product of cheese and fortunately, whey protein has all the vital amino acids the body needs. Meanwhile, whey protein has been deemed one of the best protein types not only because it boosts muscle growth but also because it digests faster than other protein types. Basically, whey protein powder comes in three types and each type is very vital as a dietary supplement for those who use it. Whether you’re an athlete, a bodybuilder or somebody whose diet is deficient in protein, whey protein is likely the best protein source for you. Amongst the three basic types of whey protein powder (being hydrosate, concentrate and isolate), the concentrate is the commonest as well as the most affordable. If you are looking for a good source of protein, this is the best protein powder on the market.

Reduction Of Blood Pressure

Excessive elevation in blood pressure is risky as it’s considered one of the causes of heart disease. Due to the effect of the bioactive peptides in them, dairy products are said to lower blood pressure thereby limiting the risk of heart disease. Fortunately, whey protein contains lactokinins (otherwise known as bioactive peptides) and by reason of this, it’s possible that high blood pressure can be reduced through regular consumption of whey protein.

Growth of Muscles

Whey protein is generously rich in leucine which is the best amongst all the amino acids that enhance growth. The aging process is often accompanied by muscle loss but with the regular consumption of whey protein, it’s possible to prevent excessive muscle loss even as old age continues setting in.

Needless to say, protein is an essential nutrient for promoting muscle mass and in comparison with other protein types, including soy and casein, whey protein is more beneficial.

Boosting Antioxidant Defenses

Antioxidants help to reduce the risks of certain chronic diseases and limit oxidative stress by combating the oxidation in the body. While many antioxidants can be derived from the food we eat, the body produces glutathione which constitutes the most essential antioxidants in humans.

Cysteine is one of the essential amino acids, stimulating the production of glutathione but at times, its supply may be limited. Therefore, there is a need to promote the production of glutathione by consuming cysteine-rich foods such as whey protein.

Additional Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes

According to studies, whey protein is capable of boosting insulin levels and moderating blood sugar. By reason of this, it can be an additional treatment for type 2 diabetes. By and large, type 2 diabetes is a disease characterized by improper insulin function and excess blood sugar. The disease affects the functioning of insulin which is the hormone that moderates blood sugar by regulating its upward movement into cells. Although several other protein sources (including fish and egg white) can be essential, whey protein has been considered the best protein source for supplementing the treatment of type 2 diabetes.