5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Botox

5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Botox

Those who are aging and wanting to improve their looks often go for Botox. There are a number of benefits that come with using it but, before you start taking injections, you should familiarize yourself with this treatment as much as possible. Read on to ensure that you have all the information needed to make an informative decision about getting Botox.

  1. How Botox works

By its very nature, Botox works by blocking nerve signals to certain muscles in the face so that they cannot contract. This will prevent you from making certain facial expressions that cause lines on your forehead, wrinkles around your eyes, and lines around your mouth. Keep in mind, though, that Botox cannot completely eliminate wrinkles. Damage caused by sun exposure and gravity cannot be prevented through Botox injections.

  1. How the procedure is performed

The procedure is done with a needle that injects Botox into the muscles requiring treatment. The session takes very little time, usually a few minutes, and you do not need anesthesia. It will take a week or two for you to start noticing a difference. But note that Botox is not a permanent solution to wrinkles, with one treatment lasting three to four months. Therefore, you will have to come in for injections three or four times per year.

  1. Side effects

Like any medication or treatment, Botox comes with side effects. The most common one is bruising around the area of the injection. Some people also experience headaches that last from one to two days, while others report drooping eyelids. In most cases, these side effects are temporary, and they usually disappear after two or three weeks.

  1. What should I do before my treatment?

If you are considering getting Botox injections, you should always consult with a doctor who is familiar with this procedure, which is why you may want to consider making an appointment at bodyclinic.nl. If you are cleared for treatment, you should cease taking anti-inflammatories, blood-thinning medications, and you must stop drinking alcohol. You should also consider speaking with your insurance company because most plans do not cover Botox injections unless they are medically necessary. Botox injections for cosmetic purposes are usually paid for out of pocket.

  1. What should I do after my treatment?

Once you are finished with your session, avoid touching your face for 24 hours. If you scratch or rub your face, you could spread the substance to muscles that did not require treatment. The first thing you should do when you get home is lay down. This will give your muscles the time they need to absorb Botox. You should also avoid going to the gym or other strenuous physical activities.

  1. The bottom line

Before choosing a doctor for treatment, it is important to do your research. Make sure that the medical staff know what they are doing before you place yourself under their responsibility. For the best care possible, consider receiving the treatment from the doctors at The Body Clinic who have over twelve years of experience in this field and have a 9.0 rating from Kliniek Ervaringen.