The Truth About E-cigarettes: Debunking Myths And Perceptions

The Truth About E-cigarettes: Debunking Myths And Perceptions

An electronic or e-cigarette is a battery powered device that heats liquids to emit doses of fog-like vapour. These are a new technology and their popularity has soared in recent years. The content of e-cigarette is an e-liquid that is available in a variety of flavors and may or may not have nicotine. The sensation of smoking an e-cigarette is akin to inhaling tobacco free cigarettes smoke, however, without the smoke.

As with any new trend or product, e-cigarettes have been in the news for varied reason. Despite the hype, there is a lot of misinformation around e-cigarettes. Today, we will look at some of the most popular myths or misconceptions regarding electronic cigarettes and how science debunks these myths:

Misconception 1:  You get popcorn lung with e-cigarettes

One of the most common questions about e-cigarettes is whether they may cause what is known as ‘popcorn lung’. This myth was perpetuated because some flavourings that are often used in e-liquids to lend them a smooth, buttery flavor often contain diacetyl. Diacetyl at very high levels of exposure is linked with a serious lung disease – bronchiolitis obliterans. This disease was first observed among workers in a popcorn factory.

While popcorn lung is a very rare condition, many e-cigarette smokers may be anxious to know the truth.

But you don’t need to worry because diacetyl is banned as an ingredient from e-liquids and e-cigarettes in the UK. And the levels at which it was used previously, is not a risk factor for the disease.

Misconception 2: Second-hand smoke or vapour from e-cigarettes is equally harmful

E-cigarettes don’t emit smoke but you may have noticed clouds of vapour if you have ever been around someone who ‘vapes’. This sometimes sweet-smelling cloud is a vapour and not smoke. It smells much better than cigarette smoke and doesn’t linger in the clothes or in the air for long. One of the main problems with conventional cigarettes is side-stream smoke. There is no danger of that in e-cigarettes, just exhaled aerosol. But is it truly harmless?

Vapour from e-cigarettes contains among other things, some amount of nicotine. The levels of nicotine are much lesser than traditional cigarettes. There is the risk of potential involuntary nicotine exposure to non-smokers or non-vapers in the area.

It is ideal then to use e-cigarettes in the outdoors to retain the quality of your indoor air.

Misconception 3: E-cigarettes are not a regulated industry

In fact, some of the strictest e-cigarette regulations are in the UK. As per the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016, all e-cigarette products are subject to minimum standards of quality and safety, as well as packaging and labelling requirements to provide users with the necessary data to make informed choices.

Manufacturers of all e-cigarette and related products are required to notify the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency(MHRA) with in-depth information listing all the ingredients.

Misconception 4: You can overdose on nicotine with e-cigarettes, which is just as harmful.

In truth, nicotine doesn’t cause smoking-related diseases like cancers and heart problems. It is just that nicotine is highly addictive. There is a common perception that you can overdose on nicotine with e-cigarettes.

But there is no such danger, and there have never been such case reported from inhaling the e-liquids that these cigarettes vaporise.

You can use e-cigarettes often to help curb the nicotine withdrawal symptoms or urges to smoke. Just like Nicotine Replacement Therapy, there will be associated symptoms if you intake more nicotine than your body is used to.

Misconception 5: E-Cigarettes are just another ploy by Big Tobacco to gain a new customer segment

There is no evidence to suggest that the use of e-cigarettes encourages people to take up smoking. Contrary to this myth, in the UK, the picture is quite different. The number of e-cigarette users who were previously smokers has increased in recent years.

50% of the 2.9 million adult e-cigarette users in the UK have given up smoking completely. And 770,000 have quit both smoking and vaping. The smoking rates are currently at a record low in the England at 15.5%.

In summary, it is fair to say that e-cigarettes and cigarettes are completely different products. Do your own research before you believe any of these myths floating about vaping or e-cigarettes and remember that moderation is the key.

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