6 Effective Home Remedies For UTI For Men And Women

6 Effective Home Remedies For UTI For Men And Women

A urinary tract infection, often referred to as a UTI, affects the urinary area of the body; which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and the urethra. The major function of the urinary tract is to properly process urine and expel the waste product from the body.

The organs making up the urinary tract can easily become affected by bacteria, which can be contracted through using the bathroom and during sexual activities.

A UTI can be easily spotted by watching out for some of these symptoms;

  • Painful urination- usually a burning sensation when urine is being expelled.
  • Increased urgency to urinate
  • Decreased quantity of urine
  • Dark or cloudy urine
  • Bad smelling urine
  • A full feeling in the bladder

These are just some of the symptoms to detect a UTI in its early stages. Once it has been detected it is best to seek the advice of medical personnel make recurrent UTI prevention a priority. Here are some tested home remedies to try:

  1. Water

Water is essential in detoxifying the body and, drinking plenty of water will help to flush away all bacteria causing the infection in your urinary tract. Drinking water is also a preventive measure because, staying hydrated means that you will have to urinate more frequently, and this removes some of the harmful bacteria that could be in your urinary tract. Water can be an effective home remedy even to prevent chronic UTIs.

  1. Lemon

You can add a few drops of lemon to those glasses of water you will have to strengthen the therapeutic effects on your body. Lemon contains some alkalizing effects and is a good anti-bacterial agent; it can reduce the pain during urination if you are using it as treatment for a UTI.

  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C can work by fighting against further growth of the bacteria in your urinary tract. Vitamin C builds up the body’s immune function and also makes your urine more acidic in nature, causing all of the bacteria to be effectively eliminated. Vegetables and fruits containing high dosages of vitamin C are especially good, for example, oranges.

  1. Heat

Heat might not aid recovery but, it can effectively relieve some of the pain in that area. A heat pad applied to the pubic area will help soothe some of the discomfort associated with a UTI. It can also help reduce inflammation, aiding the blood circulation in your urinary tract area.

  1. Garlic

Garlic is rich in antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agents, making it a great source for controlling the bad bacteria in your body. If you are treating a urinary tract infection, you should chew some garlic raw to get the full effects, cooking it means sacrificing some of those precious nutrients and antibiotics. You can crush your garlic and allow sitting for 10-15 minutes, allowing allicin to form, and then consume. Do this 2-3 times a day and you would be well on your way to being healed in no time. If you do not like the spiciness of garlic, perhaps taking it with some honey would do you good.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the powerhouses, containing enough potassium to eliminate and prevent excessive bacteria in the urinary tract. The tonic also acts as a sort of detoxifier, flushing out harmful bacteria from the urinary tract. The acidic levels in ACV also affect the urine, creating a hostile environment for bacteria to grow. Dilute 2 tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water and drink daily before meals.