5 Things to Know About Apple Cider Vinegar

5 Things to Know About Apple Cider Vinegar

If you tend to pay attention to health and wellness trends, then there is a good chance that you have been hearing more and more frequently about apple cider vinegar (ACV). An incredible addition to anyone’s health routine, ACV is full of nutrients and helpful bacteria and acid.

By purchasing raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with mother, you can be assured you are getting a product that is filled with beneficial bacteria and nutrients, and that will promote good cholesterol levels, blood sugar and nutrient retention.

If you are looking to learn more, here are five things to know about apple cider vinegar.

  1. ACV is created through fermentation.

What exactly is ACV, you may be wondering? Well, ACV is created by fermenting apple juice into cider, which in turn is then fermented into vinegar. The fermentation process is essential for bringing out ACV’s health benefits because it breaks down almost all of the sugar to form acetic acid, which is proven to lower blood pressure and blood sugar, while also fighting off unwanted microbes.

If you opt to take apple cider vinegar in shot form (as most people do for a quick energy drink), don’t take it straight. Instead, dilute one tablespoon in 8 ounces of water for a gentle tonic.

  1. ACV has a significant amount of health benefits.

Recently, more and more people are starting to include apple cider vinegar in their daily routine as they learn more about the significant health benefits it can bring. These include:

  • Promoting healthy weight loss: Due to the acetic acid in ACV, consuming the vinegar can assist in reducing blood sugar and insulin after a high-glycemic meal, and increase your feeling of fullness. Additionally, as it increases your energy expenditure and fat burning, it also boosts weight loss.
  • Supporting ketosis: Ketosis is a metabolic state wherein your body is burning fat for fuel instead of glucose (due to the absence of carbs in your diet). If you follow a high-fat, low-carb diet, then supplementing your diet with an apple cider vinegar tonic can support your mitochondrial efficiency, which in turn raises your energy levels and increases your clarity.
  • Balancing blood sugar and cholesterol: Drinking ACV before you eat is shown to improve your insulin sensitivity and reduce your blood glucose levels.
  • Improving nutrient absorption: The acetic acid in ACV also strengthens your capacity to digest nutrients (like calcium) from your food.
  1. ACV can also be used in your beauty routine.

While you are concerned about what you are putting inside your body, do you ever wonder about what you are putting on it? Instead of using chemical-laden skin care products on your face, on your underarms, or in your hair, opt to add ACV to your beauty routine for enhanced results.

  • ACV toner: The acidity that is present in an ACV toner nourishes your skin and helps it repair your skin’s pH balance. In fact, it can do wonders for those who are battling stubborn acne. To create an ACV toner, use a 1:2 or 1:3 dilution of ACV, and apply with a cotton wool pad.
  • ACV as a deodorant: ACV is filled with antibacterial properties which fight the bacteria living in your underarms and causing body odor. To make your own, powerful deodorant, make a 1:1 dilution with warm water.
  • ACV for hair: A miracle beauty worker, ACV can also be used as part of a clarifying shine treatment for your hair. Mix one cup of lukewarm water and one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, douse it over your hair, let it sit for two to three minutes before rinsing, and then voila! You now have a shiny and soft mane!

Do you know Apple Cider Vinegar can also help to treat vaginal itching?

  1. ACV is the best type of vinegar.

While there are a variety of kinds of vinegar on the market, ACV is the sole vinegar suggested for the Bulletproof diet. That is because other types of vinegar include significant measures of yeast and fungal by-products that function as anti-nutrients and can restrict your performance.

  1. But, you should avoid the pills.

That being said, you shouldn’t go for the apple cider vinegar pills, as they don’t have any live probiotics, and have been known to cause esophageal damage. So, instead, purchase some real, liquid-form apple cider vinegar and begin adding it to your home-cooked meals.

Do you use apple cider vinegar? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments below!


Dave Asprey is the creator of the widely popular Bulletproof Coffee, host of the #1 health podcast, Bulletproof Radio, and author of the New York Times bestselling book, “The Bulletproof Diet.” Through his work, the Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur provides information, techniques and keys to taking control of and improving your biochemistry, your body and your mind so they work in unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what you’d expect, without burning out, getting sick, or allowing stress to control your decisions.