7 Supplements for Happy and Healthy Aging

7 Supplements for Happy and Healthy Aging

Age is just a number, agreed. But age is also a huge factor for the incidence of life-threatening chronic medical conditions that affect people. These include diabetes, heart disease, skin wrinkles, and cancer. However, aging itself is not a disease. You can prevent wrinkles by using anti-aging-serums at the right age.

As you age, you may not eat as much as you can when you were younger, and your ability to absorb some nutrients changes. This can sometimes lead you to feel weak or enervated. Your risk of acquiring diseases also increases with age.

Good thing there is a way for you to get the essential nutrients your body needs for you to enjoy a happy and healthy life – and that is through nutrient supplementation.

Here are some supplements that can help you age beautifully, and support good health.

Supplements to Enhance Your Brain Function

Reduction in cognitive functioning is among the most troubling aspects of aging. Decreased number recall, dementia, and poor memory can prevent you from living as independently as you once did.

Experts say that there are certain anti-inflammatory supplements and antioxidants that can minimize the risk of developing cognitive impairment. These include:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Aside from their beneficial effects on inflammation, omega-3 fatty acids can also improve cognitive function and memory. Supplementing with fish oil has been found to reduce one’s risk of dementia as well as to improve overall brain health.

Make sure to choose a brand that contains high levels of DHA and EPA.


Aside from being a powerful antioxidant, pterostilbene helps rejuvenate brain cells. Several studies demonstrated that this supplement supports cognitive abilities in adults who are suffering from memory impairment.

You can get enough amounts pterostilbene by eating lots of blueberries. But if this seems impractical, try a supplement like Chromadex Pteropure. This promotes healthy blood circulation, improves cognitive function, and supports cardiovascular health.

Vitamin E

Low levels of vitamin E can increase your risk of memory loss as well as poor cognitive and neurological functioning. Sufficient vitamin E intake is crucial for keeping your brain healthy.

Since you may struggle to maintain a diet rich in essential nutrients as you age, supplementation can help keep your memory in optimal condition.

Supplements for Stronger Joints and Bones

Bone health declines as you age, thereby increasing your risk of accidents or falls. Joint health can reduce also, causing a decrease in your range of motion, stiffness and pain.

Here are some of the supplements you can take to improve your bone and joint health:


Calcium in your bones tends to decrease as you age, making them brittle and prone to breaking. Therefore, supplementation is important. This will help slow down bone loss. Remember, though, that supplementation should only be considered by someone with poor calcium absorption or anyone who doesn’t meet the daily nutrient recommendations through diet.

Glucosamine Sulfate

Glucosamine sulfate occurs naturally in your body. It makes up the fluid surrounding and cushioning your joints. As you age, you tend to lose some of this protective fluid along with cartilage, thereby leading to your bones rubbing together.

Studies have shown that glucosamine sulfate supplementation can decrease joint stiffness and pain. It also helps maintain cartilage. But remember, this supplement protects the cartilage, not rebuilds it. So start supplementing with glucosamine sulfate now! Do not wait for your joints to become stiff and painful. It works best when combined with calcium and vitamin D.

Supplements to Boost Your Energy

Another unpleasant side effect of aging is the gradual loss of energy. In fact, this can be noticed at any age. Good thing there are supplements you can take to boost your energy levels. These include:

Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 plays an important role in the process of creating cellular energy. It boosts energy flow, and it is one of the most highly recommended supplements for older adults.


Niagen or nicotinamide riboside (NR) is converted by your body into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD. The latter is important because it allows the cells to convert the food you eat into the energy you need.

It also promotes healthy skin and mitochondrial functioning, which are crucial components of aging.

Both physical and mental functions decline as you age. But with proper supplementation, the risks and symptoms of some conditions, which include sagging baggy looking eyes, dry and loose skin, low energy levels, memory loss, brittle bones and joint stiffness, can significantly be reduced.

But before taking any supplement, it is crucial for you to talk to your physician first, especially if you are on any type of medication.


Frank L. Jaksch Jr. is the Chief Executive Officer and a co-founder of ChromaDex. He oversees research, strategy and operations for the Company with a focus on scientific and novel products for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical markets. Mr. Jaksch earned a B.S. in Chemistry and Biology from Valparaiso University.