8 Tips To Help You Get Through A Vegan Diet – A Newbie’s Guide

8 Tips To Help You Get Through A Vegan Diet – A Newbie’s Guide

Going vegan is very exciting. However, if you’re new to it, it can be daunting, difficult and sometimes, risky. That’s why you need to read our tips below.

Do Some Research

One of the most important things you’ll have to do is research. This should be done long before you take the leap as the more you know, the more informed you will be about your new lifestyle.

You’ll have to figure out how easy it is for vegans to live in your area. The lack of vegan alternatives can be daunting when you first try a plant-based diet. This makes you hate your journey, giving up. So, with this knowledge in hand, you’re prepared to make your own alternatives.

For example, things like coconuts are a godsend. You can do many things with the drupe, so If you find it hard to find dairy alternatives where you live, you could always buy coconuts and make coconut milk. Not only is it thicker and creamier, but it also adds a kick.

Don’t Rush It

Okay, you really want to go vegan but before you take the leap you shouldn’t rush the decision. This is one of the worst things you can do as you won’t be ready for such a huge change. That being said, if you’re really committed, this might work out for you.

In terms of not rushing it, you can make a vegan diet easier by following the 30-day plan. Basically, by the end of the 30 days, you’ll be fully vegan. In the course of the month, you’ll be taking little steps to help you reach this goal.

What these steps depend entirely on you. Thankfully, there are countless resources online that will help you. So, don’t be shy to do some Googling.

Talk To Others

When you’re first going vegan, it’s hard. In fact, it’s almost impossible as you crave meat and dairy. You need something to help you go through the anguish you’re feeling or else, you’ll relapse.

One of the best things for this is speaking to other vegans. You’ll feel inspired listening to their journey and hearing how hard their journey was. This will allow you to feel reassured and not scared of the changes.

Of course, you don’t just have to talk to other vegans. You could also talk to people that are vegetarians or pescetarians as they would have had a hard time adjusting as well. Although it’s not as effective as speaking to a vegan, the thing is, they’re far easier to come by.

Get Those Nutrients

One of the biggest drawbacks of going vegan is that you aren’t getting as many nutrients as you should. A major food group you’ll be missing out on is protein. Although plants and plant-based foods have protein, it’s not as high as meats, especially red meats.

This can be very hard for your body and you’ll start to feel sick. This is why you’ll need to diversify your diet as much as you can.

As a result, you’ll naturally be ingesting many nutrients. Not just protein, but minerals and vitamins you’re missing out on too.

If you want to go the extra mile, you’ll need to take supplements. If you haven’t been living under a rock, there is a range of protein powders that really pack a punch. You can mix them with smoothies in the morning, getting more than your daily intake.

While on the topic of diversifying your diet, you’ll be more excited to try out a vegan diet as you’re trying a range of new things. This will keep you motivated to go on, especially to see how plant-based diets can tackle everyday foods like burgers.

Watch Your Plate

If you’re new to veganism, you’ll be put off by the prices of some vegan dishes in restaurants. Although there are plant-based alternatives in your area, they’re really expensive. Unfortunately, this is the case anywhere in the world, so you’re not alone in this struggle.

When dealing with this issue, there’s nothing much you can do other than limiting how extravagant you want your meals to be. Otherwise, you’ll think being vegan is expensive and give up a few days in.

One of the easiest ways to save on vegan food is limiting eating out. Cafes and restaurants offering vegan food can be pricey, especially in the city.

Of course, you can restrict how much you spend by looking up different restaurants online. By checking the reviews, you’ll know how expensive certain vegan establishments are.

Don’t Binge

Many people think vegan food makes you skinny. Although healthy, they still have calories. So, If you’ve just started a plant-based diet, you may be misinformed and keep eating as you think you’re not gaining weight.

You might not be aware of how many calories there are in some vegan foods, so this weight gain might make you want to quit your diet. The unfortunate reality is that going vegan is such a big change and when things like this happen, your brain looks for excuses to make you stop taking such a leap.

Look At The Back Of Foods

To make the hunt for vegan foods easier and cheaper, you shouldn’t look at goods marked only as ‘vegan’. As we established, these items can be pretty expensive.

If you look at the back of the packet of something you want to buy, you may notice its ingredient list is vegan-friendly. Such an example is Oreos as they’re vegan even though they’re not sold as a ‘vegan food’.

That being said, you’ll really need to know what to look for and avoid. There may be a range of ingredients you think are vegan, but they might not be, such as chocolate (it needs dairy to be made after all).

What Did You Think?

With all of that said, it’s obvious there are a few obstacles in your way, making being vegan difficult. The fact is, we looked at many of these issues, making it easier for you to take the leap. Of course, it still might be challenging, but it’s worth it.