Here are the Benefits of Dermaplaning That You should be Aware of

Here are the Benefits of Dermaplaning That You should be Aware of

Also known as epidermal leveling, dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation procedure. The goal of this exfoliation technique is to resurface dull and sun-damaged skin. It is categorized under the realm of gentle medical skin treatments which are performed using surgical blades to scrape away the outer layers of the epidermis. A dermaplaning treatment aims to rid your skin of impurities and dead skin cells.

How does dermaplaning work?

During a dermaplaning procedure, your aesthetician removes skin debris and excess skin cells from your epidermis. Also, the vellus hairs (the white peach fuzz) from your face will be removed. This treatment usually causes the stimulation of the dermis (the deeper layers of the skin). This stimulation results in your skin producing more collagen which is the protein responsible for increasing skin texture and tightness.

The effect?

Your skin becomes tighter, more beautiful, and younger.

Dermaplaning treatments can be performed once every month. The icing on the cake is that dermaplaning can be coupled with growth serums and other therapies to enhance your results.

Dermaplaning is typically performed in the same session as a facial. Growth serums which include vitamins A and C are usually incorporated after the procedure to assist in maintaining your results.

Why should you consider dermaplaning?

As your body ages, it slows down its rate of natural exfoliation. This causes a build-up of dead skin cells. Removal of these cells facilitates the growth of a new epidermal layer while creating more collagen and growth factors which boosts your skin’s appearance. Additionally, the exfoliation procedure stimulates the even distribution of melanin. This is why dermaplaning is said to alter pigmentation – particularly if combined with chemical peels.

The treatment usually takes 3-5 days to yield full benefits even though changes to the skin texture are often immediate.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

  1. Physical Exfoliation

As a means of exfoliation, dermaplaning triggers the cell regeneration process. This enables skin care products to penetrate the skin better. After the dermaplane treatment and facial, the top skin layer of cells is removed revealing a fresh and youthful skin.

  1. Removal of Fine Hairs

Excess fine hairs on the face often collect and accumulate dirt and oil; dermaplaning is excellent at removing these hairs. Their removal culminates in a silky, smooth skin that is not aggravated by redness or swelling.

  1. Healthier and Brighter Skin

The removal of vellus hairs and dead skin cells results in a more youthful, brighter skin which has a soft look and smooth feel. Thus dermaplaning is excellent for evening out the skin tone. Note that, over time, sun damage causes the natural skin tone to change. This exfoliation procedure restores the evenness to your complexion tone.

  1. Effective and Safe for Mature Skin

For skin textures that are rough and dry, a dermaplane treatment will minimize their superficial appearance. Additionally, it is helpful to aging skins because it enhances their turnover of dead skin. Also, there is no risk of medical interactions since dermaplaning uses no chemical agents.

  1. Elimination of Fine Wrinkles

Even though a dermaplaning procedure does not remove deep wrinkles, it is useful in the smoothing out fine lines that usually develop over time. The smooth complexion that results from the removal of these fine lines may last up to six months.

  1. Little to No Risks

Since dermaplaning incorporates the use of a sharp surgical blade, nicks may occur on rare occasions. However, there is no risk of scarring, a reaction, or infection. For the most part, patients experience no issues during and after the procedure.

  1. Longevity

Because dermaplaning eliminates dead skin cells that may have accumulated for up to three weeks, the treatment results may last for over a month before another dermaplane facial is required. With proper skin maintenance at home, the time between derma planes could be 4-8 weeks.

  1. It enhances the effectiveness of other procedures

A lot of skin care specialists prefer to perform a dermaplane procedure before attempting other skin treatments. Dermaplaning potentiates the effects of Microneedling which is a procedure that incorporates the use of a roller device with tiny needles or special pen to inflict minute punctures on the skin. Also referred to as dermarolling, Microneedling stimulates the production of collagen which gives you a fuller and plumper look.

Chemical peeling is another treatment often done after a dermaplane. Because dermaplaning scrapes the top layer of skin cells away, the agent used in chemical peeling penetrates the skin better.


People that have particularly sensitive skin, very fair or light skin should consult a specialist before attempting a dermaplane.

This is because a dermaplane treatment is more exfoliative than your typical microdermabrasion and thus the procedure may leave individuals with sensitive skins with razor burns on their face.Other sensitive persons may get slightly puffy or swollen after dermaplaning.


Dermaplaning is a treatment that enhances the production of epidermal growth factors and collagen. This results in the improvement of skin pigmentation and tone. A dermaplane is an excellent anti-aging procedure and has numerous additional benefits. For best results, combine a dermaplane facial with other skincare therapies.

Finally, your results will only be as good as your specialist’s skills. Make sure to find a certified one with an excellent track-record. The Glasgold group is one of the leading Cosmetic surgery practices in New Jersey. At the helm of this facility are the Glasgold brothers; Dr Robert Glasgold and Dr Mark Glasgold. These plastic surgeons are board certified and have a wealth of experience in facial plastic surgery. To learn more about dermaplane facials and other skin care procedures, contact them through their website.