5 Best Ways to Eat Healthy and Feel Better

5 Best Ways to Eat Healthy and Feel Better

Eating healthy is just a choice, right? Not really, most of us struggle to change our unhealthy eating habits. As rightly said by Margaret Mead, “It is easier to change a man’s religion than to change his diet.” If you go by study, only 1 in 15 Australian eats a sufficient amount of nutrients in a day. If this does not surprise you, then hear this, out of the total energy we consume 35 per cent of it comes from junk or discretionary food.

Misconceptions and contradictory studies have made healthy eating such a big deal. However, healthy eating does not have to be bland food with unrealistic fitness goals. There are numerous ways you can eat healthy while enjoying the deliciousness of a meal. In this post, we share the 5 best ways to eat healthily and feel better.

1. Consume Whole Foods Rather Than Processed

eat healthy feel healthy

Processed foods are rich in unhealthy fats and vegetable oil. These oils are extremely unhealthy for your health. Olive oil is a great healthy alternative for unhealthy vegetable oils. Stop eating frozen food such as the instant ramen or the pizza and replace them with whole food such as fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. Whole foods are packed with a lot of vitamins and minerals (fiber, vitamins, proteins, healthy fats, and minerals) that are essential for the adequate functioning of the body. Make a habit of consuming some amount of vegetables in your meals and fruits as snacks.

When prepared right, vegetables can taste great. If you are hosting a party, serve a healthy menu. Fruits and vegetables provide you with a variety of colour which does not just look great but also taste great. BBQ fruits and vegetables are a great way to entertain guests while caring for their health.

2. Cut Down on the Intake of Sugary Drinks

no sugar drinks

Sugary drinks have become such an integral part of our lives we have forgotten the harm it is causing to our health. Teenage Australian males consume on average 92 grams of sugar in a day. This equates to 33 kg of sugar in a year. Excessive consumption of sugary drinks poses the obvious risks such as Type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Apart from the obvious risks, it can also cause liver damage, anxiety, and premature ageing. Instead of consuming packed juice or soda, you can go for healthier options such as unsweetened beverages and water.

3. Reduce the Amount of Meat Consumption


Today, there are several studies that suggest that reducing the amount of meat in your diet will not only improve your health but is also good for the planet. Cutting down on meat can reduce the blood pressure, help keep the weight in check and reduce the chances of heart diseases. Plants contain a large amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fat that can ward off several lifestyle diseases.

If you are worried about not consuming enough protein, you can go for healthier proteins such as fish and poultry or a low carb and gluten-free chicharrones. What are chicharrones? Chicharrones is the Spanish word for a salty, savory, and crunchy snack known as pork rinds in the United States.Salmon in particular is one of the healthiest fishes; they are rich in a variety of rare vitamins such as Omega – 3 fatty acids. Eggs and dairy are also a healthy and tasty way of fulfilling the body’s requirements of protein.

4. Watch Out for Sodium

eat less salt

If you thought sugar was the only culprit? Think again! The common table salt can cause as much damage. More than 60 per cent of our diet consists of processed foods, which contains high levels of sodium. Our taste buds have become highly accustomed to consuming large amounts of salt that even moderate salt in the food tastes bland. However, all is not lost, if you start consuming a low amount of salt within a week you will develop the taste of consuming food with low salt. Consuming a high amount of salt can cause all sorts of diseases ranging from high blood pressure to heart problems.

5. Just Go Nuts

healthy nuts

Nuts are a great source of nutrition. They are not only a great source or protein but also have healthy fats that prevent heart diseases by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. They are super food packed with some of the most healthy vitamins and minerals. Including a variety of nuts and seeds in your diet can improve your immunity, digestion, and prevent several other diseases. They are a good source of zinc, magnesium, and calcium apart from other vitamins and minerals. Some nuts such as almond have properties that fight the development of Alzheimer’s disease.


Nicolas is a writer for Lima-France. An industry leader in developing and manufacturing food machines