The Consequences of Having Poor Oral Health

The Consequences of Having Poor Oral Health

Oral health is not only about having pearly white teeth. The mouth is the doorway to your body and having poor oral health can significantly affect your overall health.

Bad breath, bleeding gums, and toothache are all indications of poor oral health, which may lead to other serious illnesses. Bacteria that develops in the mouth can quickly get into your bloodstream and cause infection. Seeing a dentist on a regular basis will help reduce the risk of the following serious problems caused by inadequate oral health.

Cardiovascular Diseases

You’re at risk for heart disease if you have swollen gums and damaged teeth, what’s considered periodontal disease. The bacteria from periodontal disease may get into the bloodstream and cause plaque build up in your arteries. Plaque is composed of fat, cholesterol, and calcium that may be found in the blood. It’s a sticky substance and gets hard over time narrowing the arteries.

The hardening of the arteries is called atherosclerosis, and it’s a very serious case. It can lead to heart blockages when the flow of the blood rich in oxygen is disrupted and may lead to heart failure.

Poor oral health also significantly affects the management of hypertension, or high blood pressure. Poorly controlled hypertension can lead to stroke and heart attack, and also kidney disease. Globally, high blood pressure is estimated to claim more than 7.5 million lives each year.

Oral health


Not only are those who suffer from diabetes already more susceptible to infections that could cause periodontal disease, but periodontal disease can, in turn, make diabetes more difficult to control. Symptoms can become worse as blood sugar levels become more difficult to control because of gum disease. It is especially important for people with diabetes to take good care of their oral health to prevent complications with their condition. Because gum disease can lead to higher than normal blood sugar levels, a person with poor oral health is at an increased risk of developing diabetes.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Gingivitis or swollen gums produce bacteria that kill brain cells and results in memory loss and even Alzheimer’s disease. Oral health has been linked to the brain and a study showed that porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria caused by gum infections could invade the brain and lead to dementia.

Pregnancy Complications

During pregnancy, women undergo massive hormonal changes, and this makes oral infections more likely. Any infection can lead to pregnancy complications. Moreover, periodontitis and gingivitis have been known to cause premature birth and low weight in infants at birth. This means poor oral health puts both mother and baby at risk for serious health conditions. It is important for expectant mothers to have good oral hygiene to protect the pregnancy and her baby from any health-related issues.


We all know that smoking can lead to oral health issues and may cause cancer. However, smoking is not the only reason why bad oral health can lead to cancer. Kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, and blood cancer have all been linked to gum disease. Though it’s not the only cause for these cancers, gum disease dramatically increases the risk of developing them since bacteria is present in our body.

Kidney Disease

Having chronic kidney disease will result in more serious problems with your heart, bones, and blood pressure. People with gum disease are more prone to having a weaker immune system, that’s why there’s a more significant chance of getting infections. Infections are the primary cause of having health problems and people with oral health problems are susceptible to kidney failure. When the kidney fails, all other organs may follow.

There are many more consequences of having bad oral health. One disease may lead to another and can get very difficult to treat. The best way to avoid these complications is by prevention. Practicing good oral hygiene is the most effective way of avoiding any oral related health problems. Regular visits to A Shop for Smiles can save you from a whole lot of health problems.

Here are some tips on how to practice good oral hygiene:

  • Brush your teeth and gums for two minutes every day. It’s best to brush every after meals or at least twice a day. Make sure you use the right toothbrush.
  • Make it a habit of flossing the teeth too.
  • Stop smoking or chewing tobacco products.
  • Use toothpaste and mouthwash that contains fluoride.
  • Avoid too many sweets.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet.

Marketing for dentists is getting more and more popular these days, and all dental clinics have websites, so it’s not going to be difficult for you to look for a dentist near you. Now that you know how bacteria that comes from your mouth can get into your blood and cause so much trouble, you might want to start taking care of your oral health. It’s never too late to have better oral hygiene, start right now and you’ll reap the benefits of having good overall health.