9 Simple Things You Can Do to Increase Height After 18

9 Simple Things You Can Do to Increase Height After 18

If you’ve struggled with your height and you’re forced to crane your neck to talk to taller people, you may have resigned to doing this for the rest of your life. The good news is, even after you’re eighteen years old, there are still some things you can do to boost your height a couple of inches. These include:

Getting Proper Nutrition

To increase your height (Height Growth Club – Grow Taller Review), you’ll need to achieve a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, carbs, and proteins. Even if your body is producing lower amounts of growth hormones due to your age, it’s still possible to augment their production, if you eat the right things. Nutrients and vitamins, essential fats, and leafy vegetables are fuel for the body to grow.

Exercising Regularly

As you get older, it becomes increasingly important to include physical activity into your routine. This is especially important if you’re looking to add a few inches to your frame, as aerobic activities will result in longer and stronger bones. Exercise may also stimulate the nerve endings that are associated with the pituitary gland, which is a gland that secretes the growth hormone.

Avoiding Growth Inhibitors

If you’re looking to gain height, you should avoid alcohol and smoking. Regular consumption of alcohol has been found to inhibit growth, as well as affect the body’s natural functioning.

Getting Adequate Sleep


No matter your age, it’s essential that you get at least eight hours of sleep. During this time, your pituitary gland is at its most active; if you get enough sleep, this will help increase your height, as well as reduce chances of back injuries, which can negatively impact your height. Smoking can also limit the flow of blood and nutrients to growing areas, stunting their growth.

Doing Stretches


Stretching is an ideal way to relieve stress on your back and let your spine stretch out to its full length. There are several popular yoga poses that will stretch out your body. Regular stretching, along with diet and exercise, can lead to increased height.

Practicing Good Posture

To have good posture, always sit or stand upright. Our posture not only plays a big role in our appearance, but also plays a significant role in helping to increase height. The ideal posture is to have your shoulders back, with a slight curve to your spine.

Getting Some Sun

Going for a walk or a jog while it’s sunny, is a great way to incorporate Vitamin D into your body. This vitamin helps your bones absorb calcium, which is great for overall bone strength and length.

Doing Hanging Exercises

If you have a rod or ledge that’s capable of holding your weight, you can perform a few exercises that will help you extend the amount of time that you stay at full height. Hanging exercises strengthen your lower back and add muscle, which results in better posture.

Wearing Lifts

This is not a natural method to grow taller but is very effective. A tool used by movie stars who need to appear taller, all you need is a pair of shoes that contain “lifts”, or thick soles that will add a few inches. This is an easy and foolproof method, as they look the same as regular shoes.