How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Give You a Healthy Smile!

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Give You a Healthy Smile!

A bright, glowing smile can do wonders to your overall personality and can showcase the real you. However, imperfections like a gap between the teeth, a chipped and discolored tooth, and broken tooth can turn your glorious smile into your weakness.

If you want to improve your smile and enhance the first impressions, here are the best solutions that are ideal for your smile improvement goals:

Teeth Whitening:

Get rid of stained, discolored and yellow teeth with teeth whitening. Discolored teeth can reduce the confidence and can make the person feel uncomfortable among people. So, whiten the damaged and stained teeth and improve the quality of your teeth. Teeth whitening treatment includes treating the teeth with bleaching material, using dental lasers and more to make it look bright and sparkling. Ask the professional like cosmetic dentistry in Montrose and whiten your teeths.

Composite Bonding Or Dental Bonding:

If you have excess space between your teeth, bonding is another solution. Composite bonding is the same as getting a filling but without a drill. In this procedure, a tooth is bonded with adheres and then the custom-matched composite is applied, shaped and cured. Later, the composite is buffed for a smooth finish.

Porcelain Veneers:

There are some tooth discolorations that polishing and whitening techniques are hard to address, however, veneers can help in that situations. Veneers work by applying a thin shell on the front side of the tooth, making them bright and appealing. No matter what you have, be it a chipped tooth, cavity or a gap, even minor unevennesses can affect your smile and can make your appearance look dreaded.

Dental Implants:

Dental  Implants are the metal posts or frames that are positioned surgically into the jawbone underneath your gums. It’s one of the best and long-term solution to replace missing or damaged teeth. These are the best alternatives to bridges, as they are stronger than other dental treatments and can last for many years. Besides, the advantage of dental implants is that you don’t have to prepare or ground down new teeth/tooth to add a new one. All you need is healthy gums and adequate bone strength.

Enamel Contouring:

If you have an irregular shape of the tooth, mismatched teeth size, long and pointy teeth, chipped and uneven tooth, enamel contouring is for you.  The enameloplasty consists of removing a small amount of portion of dental enamel through the gentle use of discs, drills, and lasers. Besides, it can improve your dental health and provide complete protection from tartar and plaque.

Tooth Straightening:

Teeth straightening is of three types viz. Invisalign, cosmetic contouring and metal braces. Invisalign are made from clear plastic and offer the same benefits as that of braces. However, cosmetic contouring works the best for those who have a misshapen tooth. During this procedure, the dentist will alter the shape and length of the adjacent teeth to provide a cosmetically appealing look. Further, metal braces will exert pressure on the tooth to position it to the proper place. While the metal braces are less appealing, they are cheaper than other options.

Want to make your smile more brightening and attractive, try cosmetic surgery and protect your teeth.