Porcelain Veneers: Everything You Need to Know

Porcelain Veneers: Everything You Need to Know

Your smile is one of the most important and noticeable aspects of your appearance. Even if your teeth are otherwise healthy, having asymmetrical or discolored teeth can have a negative impact on your self-image.

Fortunately, porcelain veneers are an option for if you’re interested in changing the look of your smile and haven’t had any success through temporary means, like bleaching.

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made caps placed on the front of your teeth, meant to change the appearance of your smile. There are two types: composite and porcelain, with porcelain being more durable, natural-looking, and longer lasting than composite. Porcelain is also well-tolerated by our gums and is able to mimic the translucency of natural teeth.

What can veneers change?

There are tons of dental problems that veneers can fix, as well as a number of aesthetic details that can be changed. Veneers are best suited for those who have teeth that:

  • Are cracked or chipped
  • Are misaligned, crooked, or otherwise asymmetrical
  • Have significant gaps between them
  • Have worn out from aging
  • Are too short
  • Are irregularly shaped
  • Are been stained or discolored from things like past medical procedures or coffee/tea consumption

Porcelain is also very resistant to staining and changes in color, although regular brushing and flossing are still required to maintain it. Most people get veneers to achieve that iconic Hollywood smile: straight, even teeth that aren’t unnaturally white. With proper care, veneers can last upwards of ten years and eliminate the need for bleaching and whitening strips.

What’s the process for getting veneers?

The process begins with a consultation and usually requires a handful of further visits before the final procedure. First, your dentist will assess whether or not you’re a candidate for veneers (those with advanced gum disease, for example, will need treatment of the underlying issue before the caps can be placed). Next, the two of you will discuss what you want from veneers, whether or not you want an entirely new smile or to just cover one or two teeth. During this time, your dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth, including X-rays, bite and smile analyses, and so on.

After determining your unique aesthetic needs, like precisely what shade of white and the kind of shape and size you want for your new teeth, your teeth are prepped for the final product. About 0.5 millimeters are shaved off from each tooth, which is less than the thickness of your fingernail. Molds of your mouth and teeth are taken and sent off to a ceramist, who will craft the veneers. In the meantime, temporary caps are placed on your teeth.

Before the final veneers are permanently bonded to your teeth, you’ll have an opportunity to try them on and assess them for color and fit. Once you’re satisfied with how they look, your dentist will cement them to your teeth. The process is done! You’re then free to enjoy your new smile, with only a simple follow-up needed a couple weeks after the procedure.

Are there any risks associated with getting veneers?

Veneers can last a decade or more if you keep brushing and flossing regularly – otherwise, they don’t require any special care. The bonding procedure and adjustment period might leave your teeth a little sensitive for a week or so afterwards, but this pain is temporary. And finally, while porcelain is durable, it’s susceptible to chipping or cracking for people who grind their teeth heavily or habitually chew on hard, inedible objects, like pencils or their nails. Otherwise, porcelain veneers are a safe option for those looking to change the appearance of their teeth. When done by a skilled dentist, your porcelain veneers will feel as comfortable as your natural teeth in no time.

If you’re ready to take the plunge and book your veneers consultation, contact a trusted dental practice like peakfamilydentistry.com to start your journey to a dream smile!