Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Bacon Jam

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Bacon Jam

Bacon jam is a delicious treat that more people are starting to turn towards.  Although it may sound a little strange if you’ve never tried it before, allow this treat to surprise you, and you’ll never regret it!

These are the top facts everyone should know about this amazing jam!

When Was it Invented?

Although many businesses claim to have invented it, bacon jam can be referenced on the internet as far back as 2011.  Many companies have gone on to perfect their own version of bacon jam, though, which ensures that no two types of it taste the same.

This gives you the chance to try a couple of versions and find what excites you the most.  Because this invention is only around ten years old, it’s still generally unknown by a lot of the public, so it’s quick to thrill and surprise at any gathering!

What Goes Into It?

Although every company has its own recipes and uses different amounts, the main ingredients most bacon jam has are bacon, brown sugar, and maple syrup.  Many will differ here, adding things like black pepper or garlic, and others lean more into the sweet by adding fruit jams to it.

Although you can make it at home, it’s an extremely time-intensive recipe, and even then, you may have to make several batches before you find a combination you like.

What Does it Taste Good With?

Bacon jam is an incredibly flexible treat, can be enjoyed on toast, bread, meats, with fruits, or even on cookies.  It’s delightful and unique, which means you’ll find ways to eat it that you’d never consider otherwise.  The flavors are unique and have a depth to a theme that works with nearly anything.

The best thing is, if you decide that there’s a recipe that you don’t like it with, you can still find hundreds of others that it does work with!  So there’s no such thing as having too much bacon jam on hand.

How Shelf Stable Is It?

Bacon jam is incredibly shelf stable until it’s opened.

All companies will label the jars with expiration dates, but because it’s jarred and safe, it makes an awesome gift for mailing something to someone you love or surprising someone with a delicious and unique treat at your next gathering.

Does Everyone Like It?

Everyone has a unique sense of taste, and because of this, it’s hard to pin down any universally popular food.

Most people who try bacon jam are pleasantly surprised and quickly decide that they need to purchase more.  There’s nothing wrong with growing a collection so that you never run out!

Bacon Jam Can Go With Any Cuisine

As long as you love the wonderful bacon flavor, this meaty treat can go with almost any cuisine.

This can mean a tasty bacon dipping sauce for your pizza’s crust or bacon jam thumbprint cookies for Christmas, so don’t be shy about it!  Do whatever tastes best to you, but have fun with it!  After all, this is an awesome dish that you won’t want to miss out on.