Floatation Tank Claustrophobia and Other Fears

Floatation Tank Claustrophobia and Other Fears

While trying out a flotation tank has been proven to be perfectly safe and risk-free, those with claustrophobia might feel some form of anxiety the first time they try it out. Others might struggle due to phobias like a fear of drowning or darkness, as floating involves being in complete darkness while experiencing total sense-deprivation.

Most of these fears though, are based on the assumption that floating requires you to surrender all control of the situation, which is actually untrue as you can enter and exit the floating pod at any time. In fact, you can even keep the door open throughout the entire session if that’ll remove your apprehension, and every measure is taken to make sure that you enjoy a totally safe and comfortable experience.

Of course, since most of us are used to living in well-lit cities and homes, being in complete darkness for the first time might feel more than a bit disconcerting. Primarily this is caused by a fear of the unknown.

The good news is that since the floatation solution is made up of 40% saturated magnesium, it will be physically impossible for you to drown or sink, and this goes for persons of all weight sizes and heights. Some worry that they’ll toss and turn while sleeping inside the tank since it has been reported that floatation tanks bring on a state of such deep relaxation that one just falls into a most satisfying and restful slumber.

While it is true that most people do fall asleep while floating in the pod, it is very rare for anyone to toss and turn while in there, because it is simply not the same setup as your bed at home. For one, there is no push-back to cause you any discomfort that might lead to turning, and even if you do turn, the magnesium water will immediately wake you up as soon as it reaches your nose and eyes.

There are many benefits of float therapy which far outweigh any nerves of claustrophobia. Spending time in floating tanks has been shown to minimize muscle soreness as well as reducing anxiety, stress and depression. It helps improve your overall well being and is becoming more popular in Melbourne Australia and all over the world.

Moreover, if you’re worried about becoming claustrophobic while you’re floating, consider the fact that floating rooms are fitted with air circulation systems to make sure that there is constant circulation of fresh air while maintaining the room at a comfortable temperature at the same time.

The Effects of Zero Stimulation

Believe it or not, floatation tanks are an ideal environment for anxiety or stress-stricken patients, as the zero-stimulation atmosphere created within the pod puts you in a state of complete relaxation. In fact, a lot of people tend to lose their phobias altogether once they enter the tank.

This can be attributed to the complete lack of external stimulation while maintaining the overall temperature at a very agreeable level to the human body. Both the body and the mind enter into a state of such profound ease and relaxation that there is just no room for fears or anxieties to arise.

That’s why floatation often results in a natural balancing of one’s hormonal structure, and it works to regulate blood pressure while releasing feel-good endorphins as well. All-in-all, floating puts you in a meditative state that helps you to remove all sense of time, the lack of which is what usually triggers stress for most people in the first place.

And so, it turns out that floating is actually a very agreeable and effective stress-relief and relaxation technique for claustrophobic patients as well as those who suffer from phobias after all.