Great Ways To Save Money In 2019

Great Ways To Save Money In 2019

If you have decided to make 2019 the year to save more and spend less, you are in good company. Millions of people across the United States are cutting back on unnecessary expenses and pinching every penny. Here are some great money saving strategies to get you on track to making your investments grow and bringing the amount you owe to others down.

Moving To Renewable Energy Sources

If you make the change to solar panel installations and weatherproofing your doors and windows, you could save thousands of dollars in the long term. Most new houses are constructed with these features already in place. For example, California has made it obligatory to build homes with that use solar energy.

If you live in a state that has extreme weather conditions, if you insulate your door, windows, and garage doors, your utility bills will show a big improvement. It is a case of paying a one-off service fee for the installations as opposed to many years of higher utility payments.

Ditching Your Car Lease

If you can make the change to public transport or survive with only one vehicle for transportation if you’re a two-car household, you should consider how to get out of a car lease. It’s a surprisingly easy thing to do if you know the best companies that can facilitate a swap for you without incurring any penalties.

You get to exit your auto lease, and the company charges a small fee for finding a reputable and reliable buyer to take it over. It’s more than just saving on the lease payments every month, it’s changing your lifestyle to adapt to any possibility where you can save more and spend less.

Stop All Your In-App Purchases

If you go online to look for stories about how much you can save from stopping all your in-app purchases and monthly app accounts, the results are very interesting. Hundreds of people found out how much these little debit orders actually end up costing over a year. It usually happens when they have to close their old bank account for some reason. This immediately stops apps from being able to dip into your account whenever they feel like it.

Some of the calculations that were made when in-app purchases and monthly accounts were frozen were staggering. $2.99 per day spent on buying tokens to progress in games. $9.99 spent every month on streaming services. $9.99 spent every month on music services. $5.99 every month spent on diet, meditation, exercise, yoga, and puzzle apps every month.

It all adds up to over one hundred dollars siphoned off your bank account every month without you even being aware of it. Sometimes people discovered monthly app accounts of which they weren’t even aware they had signed up for being debited off their savings or checking accounts. It’s because the apps offer a “First Month Free,” but then it is up to you to cancel.Otherwise they can go on deducted a fee every month, and it’s often so small so you don’t notice.

Take action this year against wasting money and get your finances back on track.