Holiday Season Checklist for Busy Families

Holiday Season Checklist for Busy Families

Halloween has come and gone. That means the holiday season is kicking into high gear. Before long, a new year will be underway and the process starts all over again.

In short, there’s a lot happening over the course of the next eight weeks. For busy families, the rapid-fire nature of holiday expectations can become overwhelming.

Fortunately, navigating the holiday season with limited free time comes down to preparation. After all, this isn’t your first rodeo. Depending on your age, this could be the 40th or even 50th time you’ve been through the holiday season. You got this!

With that said, some helpful hints wouldn’t hurt. So in accordance with the holiday spirit, here’s a holiday season checklist for busy families:

Festive outfits

Halloween is all about costumes, but it’s not the only opportunity to wear festive clothing during the holidays. There are many interesting-looking suits, dresses, and other outfits that help inspire good times and good cheer. While festive clothing is appropriate for office parties and other grown-up events, matching outfits are perfect for family photos and family gatherings. Wouldn’t matching little sis big sis outfits look darling on your two daughters? The same goes for matching tinsel plaid shirts for two boys. Parents can get in on the matching action too!

Tasty recipes

There’s a good chance you’re already looking forward to a particular dish or dessert this holiday season. From roasted turkey and green bean casserole to pecan pie and Christmas cookies, there’s something delicious for just about everyone. But what goes around comes around (in a good way); you’ll probably be expected to contribute your own tasty recipe at some point, whether it’s an office potluck or family dinner. With this in mind, decide on one or two recipes you know are sure to be a big hit with friends and family.

Wish lists

Regardless of the holidays you and your loved ones choose to celebrate, chances are there will be a gift exchange at some point. Rather than wait until the last minute to wing it only to be forced to hand out gift cards, take 20 minutes out of each day to do some digging for the perfect gift for a loved one. Use Amazon and other e-commerce platforms to compile a list and buy these items without having to enter a single store. You can even opt to have them shipped in wrapping paper (for a nominal fee, of course.) The important thing is to get a list going as soon as possible.

Home decor

The extent of holiday home decor depends on the household. Some folks are content with a tree in the living room and a wreath on the front door. Others deck the halls, walls, yard, and roof. Whatever your preference, designate part of an upcoming weekend to get your holiday decor into position. This also gives you the chance to shop for additional decorations before the holiday season really starts to take off. You still have time, but time is running out!

Family gatherings

We’re willing to bet you’ll be attending more than one family gathering this holiday season. Use a scheduling app or an old-fashioned wall calendar to mark these events ahead of time. That way, they don’t sneak up on you. The other benefit of mapping out your holiday schedule is that it alerts you to any conflicts ahead of time. Rather than commit to two events on the same evening, you avoid the faux pas of saying you’ll be there and canceling at the last minute.

Seasons greetings

Many friends and family members maintain an annual tradition of sending each other greeting cards. The sooner you secure the perfect cards for each address on your list, the sooner you can move on to other holiday tasks. Don’t forget the seasonal postage stamps, either. Follow up by setting aside an afternoon in early to mid-December to write, sign, seal, and mail your greeting cards to friends and family.

Tis the season! For busy families, getting everything done in time can be a challenge. But it’s far from impossible. With some planning and preparation, even the busiest household can get it all done with time to spare.

Happy holidays to you and yours!

Julie Steinbeck is a freelance writer from Florida. She enjoys covering topics related to family, finance, and travel.

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