Why It’s So Important to Visit the Dental Hygienist Twice a Year

Why It’s So Important to Visit the Dental Hygienist Twice a Year

Let’s face it, going to the dentist isn’t high on the list of things that people want to do.

Because of this, a good portion of the population do not make regular appointments to be seen by their dentist.  This is a huge mistake that people should stop making.

Seeing your dental hygienist twice a year not only will keep you having a sparkling white smile, but it will also help prevent many ailments while acting as an early warning for some more serious issues, like cancer.

If you are checking out a new dentist online, like on hamptonsdental.com or on the ADA’s website, you will always see the advice of getting a cleaning twice a year.

But rarely is it explained why it’s so important.

Here are some of the biggest reasons why you should get your teeth looked at a minimum of twice a year.

Keeping That Beautiful Smile Beautiful

The most obvious reason is getting your teeth cleaned regularly helps keep your teeth looking great.

A good cleaning will scrape off any plaque that has built up, will get rid of any staining from smoking or drinking coffee and will polish your teeth so that they sparkle.  It might not be the most fun experience but as the adage goes “Beauty is pain,” or in the case of a dental cleaning a bit uncomfortable.

Prevents Gum Disease

You also need regular checkups because cleaning will help prevent gum diseases, like Gingivitis and Periodontitis.

Gingivitis which is inflammation of the gums is caused by bacteria that builds up on and between the teeth.  Left untreated this can turn into Periodontitis (gum disease) which can lead to the loss of teeth due to damage to the tissue around the teeth.

This endangers your smile and can cause you to require much more painful dental procedures to replace any teeth that you may have lost.

It Could Prevent a Heart Attack

There is strong medical proof linking gum disease with cardiovascular disease.  Naysayers may be skeptical of the science behind this but why risk it?

If getting regular checkups and cleanings definitely helps to reduce the chance of developing gum disease, and preventing this can reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, it’s a no brainer to make sure you visit your dentist twice a year.

 Provides Early Warnings

When you visit your dentist one of the things they will be able to detect is whether or not there are any problems beginning to occur in your fillings or if there are any cracks forming in your teeth.  Having a filling fall out can be quite painful, so making sure your fillings are in good condition is a smart move.

A cracked tooth is also quite painful and can cause damage to the inside of your mouth, so preventing a crack from getting bigger will save you some pain and money for repairing the tooth in the long run.

A dentist will also be able to detect the early signs of oral cancer, which according to the American Cancer Society kills one person an hour.  Since most oral cancers can be treated fairly easily, early detection means a greater chance of success in the long run if you were to ever to be diagnosed.

Saves You Money

Because getting a regular checkup can help your dentist determine if there are any developing issues with your teeth, gums and mouth, you will have the ability to make plans to have money set aside for the needed treatments in future.

While going to the dentist twice a year may not be the most enjoyable thing you add to your to-do list, it is one you won’t want to ignore.

Regular checkups not only will keep your smile looking great, but it will also help prevent all manner of diseases. It’s inarguable, there’s more reasons to go than not, so do yourself a favor and get to the dentist soon.