How to Clean Your Citadel Boss 25 In Just a Few Simple Steps

How to Clean Your Citadel Boss 25 In Just a Few Simple Steps

The Citadel Boss 25 is a popular AR-15-style, 12-gauge shotgun with a 18.75 inch chrome-lined barrel. With adjustable rear and ‘flip-up’ front sights and a polymer stock, it looks great and packs quite a punch too! So, when you own one, you want to do everything you can to keep it maintained.

Obviously, even when you’re not using it regularly, this will involve cleaning and oiling it on a periodic basis. The good news is that it’s not a difficult task – even for the novices out there – and it’s what we’re going to be laying out here step-by-step.

The fact that this blog isn’t particularly long demonstrates how simple it is. Ok, so we’re now going to dive straight in with our shotguns laid out in front of us.

Cleaning the Citadel Boss 25

There are four main parts to cleaning this shotgun, which we’ve laid out below…

Step #1 NSPs

Right, so we’ll be picking up the shotgun and performing a Normal Safety Precaution (NSP) inspection of the weapon before we start. That involves opening up the breach to check for any rounds that have been left there. Once we’re sure it’s not loaded, we allow the firing mechanism to return to its forward position.

Step #2 – Disassembly 

The next part is to disassemble the shotgun, which can be carried out simply. All you need to do is unscrew the muzzle device and then take off the shroud in the same way. Then we move to the handguard, which is normally held in place by a couple of 3mm screws – so you’ll need a screwdriver.

As far as disassembly goes – that’s it. We told you it wasn’t complicated!

Step #3 – Cleaning

With the breach again open, you’ll be cleaning all areas that you can see – something that’s especially important if your Citadel boss 25 is brand new and has just been shipped to you.

Most people tend to use a bore snake combined with some Hoppes Number 9 oil, but it’s up to you which brand you go for. Add some strips to your bore snake along with some more oil too, pulling it through a few times to ensure the barrel gets enough oil.

Step #4 – Reassembly 

After you’re sure that everything is spotlessly clean and oiled, then it’s just a matter of putting everything back together in reverse order. Just remember not to overtighten your muzzle and shroud, as you can damage it and make it more difficult to remove the next time you clean it.

Now Your Citadel Boss 25 is Cleaned & Ready to Go!

So, as we mentioned at the outset, the job of cleaning your shotgun is perhaps much easier than you might have thought. Just these 4 steps stand between you and a fully-prepped shotgun that’s ready for action when you need it to be.

You’ve got to remember that any type of gun is a piece of precision engineering that doesn’t do well when it’s not maintained. You wouldn’t expect your car to run well without a service and a shotgun is no different.

Follow our advice here and you’ll protect both the function and longevity of your gun, protecting its value and more importantly, allowing it to properly protect you.