How To Get Your Sleep Routine Back After Travelling

How To Get Your Sleep Routine Back After Travelling

Our body gets used to the things we do on a regular basis. Sleep is one of the habits that we make according to our time zone. When we travel around different time zones, our circadian rhythm (24 hour internal clock) gets disturbed and we may go through a temporary sleep disorder known as jet lag. Environmental cues such as when the sun rises and sets help set our internal clock.

Travelling often makes us annoyed and interferes with our sleep routine. Here are some of the tips shared on how to bring the sleep cycle back to normal.

Intervention How Does It Help? Supportive Research Study
Adjust Sleep Cycle To the Time Zone of Your Destination Several days before travelling, try to adjust your sleeping habits according to that country’s time zone. A study demonstrated that proper sleep timing is a key to adjusting your circadian rhythm (1).
Light Exposure Light is a critical signal that our brain interprets to regulate the internal clock (light-dark cycle). When you reach your destination, light exposure can help adjust your internal clocks according to the new time zone. Studies have shown that in jet travellers; bright light exposure at predetermined times significantly reduced the jet lag symptoms (2).
Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone that is produced within your body before bedtime. People with jet lag often take over-the-counter melatonin supplements as a sleep aid. A study on jet travellers found that melatonin taken at the correct time readjusted their internal clocks to the new time zone (3).
Reschedule Meals Altering the meals can help your body adjust to jet lag. Eat at the appropriate time in your new time zone. A study found that altering mealtimes can be a drug-free intervention to deal with jet lag (4).
Healthy Meals Opt for healthy meals made up of mostly fruits and vegetables. Eat melatonin-rich foods like cherry, fish, bananas, and pineapple that can help improve your sleep patterns. Milk also contains melatonin so drink it before sleep. A study stated that dietary nutrients can also influence the synthesis of sleep hormones (5).
Exercise Exercise has beneficial effects on your sleep as it may also help align your circadian rhythm. Studies have found that exercise has phase-shifting properties (6).



Things To Avoid

Things To Avoid Why Should It Be Avoided? Supportive Research Studies


Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine intake Alcohol and caffeinated drinks can interfere with your internal clock and disturb sleep. A review study found that alcohol negatively affects the clock genes (that are responsible for circadian rhythmicity) (7).


Another study found that caffeine not only wakes up but also disrupts the quality of sleep by delaying the circadian clock (8).

Avoid getting tired in the first few days of travelling Travel fatigue also contributes to worsening the symptoms of jet lack. Medical studies have shown that stressors that contribute to travel fatigue should be addressed to avoid jet lag (9).
Don’t sleep too much during travel When you sleep while travelling, it makes us feel dizzy and restricts the quality of sleep later in the night. If you need a nap, take a power nap for no more than 20 to 30 minutes. A study demonstrated that proper sleep timing is a key to adjusting your circadian rhythm (10).


More to Consider

After travelling, it’s necessary to work on reshaping your sleep patterns. In this regard, CBD for sleep could be the right option along with all the above-given tips. CBD products are a natural alternative to sleeping pills and may help to maintain sleeping rhythm. Make better choices to sleep, and live a healthy life!