Metrics To Measure Feature Adoption

Metrics To Measure Feature Adoption

 If you are an app owner, you need to constantly keep growing and adding new features to retain interest and engage users. An app without any update for a long time will disinterest the users and give them a reason to uninstall. But when you launch a new feature, you can’t just add it and forget about it. You have to monitor how your users are adopting it, and is it providing any value to them or not. This is where a feature adoption software is required.

What Feature Adoption is?

 As far as mobile apps are concerned, feature adoption is the way how your user start using something new you have recently added. In regards to new users and new features, there are basically four categories of adoption:

  • External adoption, when a new user starts using an existing feature
  • Internal adoption, when an existing user starts using a new feature
  • Routine adoption, when an existing user starts using an already existing feature
  • Adoption flags, when a new user starts using a new feature

The Metrics

 Here, we will discuss about a few metrics, based on which you can measure your feature adoption:

  • Rate of Adoption: This metric indicates the percentage of users who started using your new feature. Adoption rate is equal to the number of new users divided by the total number of your app users. For instance, if there are 100 users, out of which 25 are new, then your rate of adoption would be 25%. This rate is measured during a particular time period only, like for a day, week or month.
  • Time Taken for Adoption: This metric indicates the mean time taken by a new user to start using an existing feature, or by an existing user to start using a new feature. This time indicates how valuable the feature is to the user. If it has an attractive promise, the users will immediately try it as soon as it is released. But if it is not that valuable, the users may take a long time to start using it, or not use it at all. For instance, if a user signs up to your ecommerce site, he or she may take several days to place their first order.
  • Percentage of Users Who Actually Adopted the Feature: This is another metric to access first time experience of your users. It indicates the percentage of users who actually used the feature ever. There might be several features in your app that your users never bothered to use. However, this depends on the user’s personal choice and requirements. One feature may be extremely useful for one user, while another user may not be interested in it at all.

Feature adoption software of Apxor is highly effective in measuring these metrics and accessing your feature adoption rate, percentage and time taken. With this information, you can make the necessary improvements in your features, so that these metrics can be enhanced and deliver the desired results from your efforts.