Musician Max Polyakov Formed a Rock Band Named Firefly

Musician Max Polyakov Formed a Rock Band Named Firefly


Anyone who wants to excel in life requires putting a lot of effort into whatever he/she is doing. Also, one has to be sure about but he/she wants and should never be afraid to try.

What Max Polyakov and Firefly music band did to excel

musician Max Polyakov from Firefly rock band

  1. Signing an agreement

It is not easy to make different people commit to each other in a project. If any one of the four failed to commit to the project, Firefly band would fail. The contract offers protection for what the group can do with the equipment, name, funds and music ownership when they are no longer working together. The agreement additionally helps in avoiding misunderstandings later.

  1. Rehearsing

Once they signed a contract, a young musician Max Polyakov and his friends looked for a comfortable location where they would do their rehearsals.

Rehearsing enabled Max Polyakov and his friends to develop rapport. Besides that, the rehearsals helped in saving money since recording time is expensive and fruitful rehearsals enabled them to leave studio within a short time.

Firefly band ensured to maintain good work ethics also. In case one of them was unwilling to rehearse, that person would be removed from the group. Rehearsing often is what made the band succeed.

  1. Composing songs

Firefly band composed several songs while ensuring they maintain high quality. Max Polyakov and his friends knew that to get invited to shows, they needed at least eleven songs. A starting band can, however, have five songs. So, they could pick their best five songs.

Max Polyakov and his friends also ensured to copyright their music. This only required filling out a document for performing rights. But there is also a recording document which can be filled out later once a record deal gets signed.

  1. Creating a demo

A demo is the best item for promotion. It can be sold during events or it can be used to get agents, record deals, managers and may be used to advertise Firefly band to people.

Firefly band used social media platforms to promote their songs. They prepared a small snippet of their songs and sent it to event managers and other people. They even sent official emails to others letting them know about their interest in performing at their places.


Having a common goal is what made Max Polyakov and his friends succeed in their music. Firefly band is now a great band which has a strong foundation.