Never Overpay For Power In Texas

Never Overpay For Power In Texas

If you have recently moved to Texas, like so many are doing these days, you will soon discover the benefits of Texas’ deregulated electric market. To make a long story short, the end result of deregulation is that some 85% of the state’s residents have multiple options as to electric providers.

That means you stand to benefit from increased competition, which leads to lower prices. There simply is no reason you should ever overpay your electric bill in the Lone Star State!

You must choose among Texas electricity plans since there is no “default option.” You simply access a website that assists you in comparison shopping for electricity, enter your zip code, and take some time to view rates, terms, renewable energy sources, and more. It’s that simple.

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The Effects Of Deregulation On Texas’ Energy Market

In the wake of deregulation, Texas has achieved residential power rates that are 11% lower than the national average, commercial rates that are 28% lower, and industrial rates that are 25% lower.

Texas has also taken a lead in green energy production, being the number one wind-energy production state and number five (and advancing) when it comes to solar power production. And given high annual sunshine hours and the abundance of windy plains in Texas, there is no reason why their renewable energy sources can’t keep on expanding indefinitely.

What does all of this mean to consumers? It means that goods and services are cheaper because businesses pass on their energy savings. It means that homeowners pay less for more month by month on their power bills and they also have a choice to choose light companies no credit check plan. And it means that those concerned about reducing their carbon footprint have ample avenues and options through which to do so. Simply Switch is one good tool for Gas & Electricity Price Comparison

What Options Do You Have?

Not only do you have options for lower-rate plans in Texas, but you have many other variables to choose from as well. Here are some of the main options to consider:

  • A fixed rate plan. With fixed rates, you can lock in low prices for one year or several years. You gain stability in the midst of a constantly fluctuating market, so you don’t have to worry about what your electric bill will be each month. It becomes a known factor, facilitating planning and budgeting. Your credit score may be a factor, however, in getting approved for a fixed-rate plan.
  • A variable rate plan. In this case, your electric rates will vary from month to month based on market factors. The good news here is you can take advantage of low prices when they arise and that you can avoid having to lock yourself in with a contract.
  • Indexed plans. An indexed-rate plan will have variations in electric rates but based upon some specific market force such as oil prices or the stock market. You may be able to use two opposing indexes that will likely counteract each other and keep prices balanced under all circumstances.
  • A prepaid plan. With prepaid agreements, you can sign up to a light company with no deposit, no service contract, and no credit check to get approved. You have to make sure you pay enough up front and keep your account filled up, however, or you will run out of power and experience a shut-off.
  • Green plans. You can find plans ranging from 5% to 100% renewable energy. You may have to pay a little more for “very green” plans, but it is worth it for many.

By using an online comparison tool and applying some basic knowledge of your options, you can easily find your best overall energy plan. Texas’ energy system puts the power in your hands so you never need to overpay!