Reasons Why Snoring Is So Irritable

Reasons Why Snoring Is So Irritable

Everyone should get enough sleep. Do you sleep at least seven or eight hours a day? Oh, you do, but on weekends only. Of course, you are a busy person, you have work and duties, family and friends, you have to take care of your household etc.

But, there is a little time to dedicate to yourself. The life tempo makes us all forget how sleeping is important. It will affect your mood and coping with stressful situations. Further, your health is also very dependable on the hours of your sleep.

However, not everybody sleeps well. It is very likely that at least one of your family members snores. If this is true, you know how unpleasant these sounds can be. Or maybe you are the one that snores and affects other family member’s sleep. Men are more likely to snore, but women snore also. Still, men snore twice more than women.

When we talk about snoring strength, it can go up to 90 decibels! This is the sound a chainsaw produces. Now imagine sleeping with someone who snores this hard. Even a person who is sleeping in a room next to this intense snorer would sleep badly.

A snorer is usually not aware of the sound he/she produces. The family members and a spouse are the ones that suffer from this issue. That way snoring becomes a domiciliary concern. Everybody would complain and there are great chances that all the members of the household would get into an argument. This is nothing weird. We already mentioned that people who don’t sleep well might suffer from sensitivity and mental stress.

A snorer would try to say something in self-defense. He/she would mention the loud sounds from the city, especially in the night. Big cities never sleep, so if you are living close to a nightclub, you are very likely to hear the music even in the late night hours. Yet, the other members wouldn’t agree with the snorer. The music from a nightclub doesn’t bother them.

What is the real reason?

Proximity. It is somehow logical that we would be more sensitive to the sounds that surround us. Ears are designed that way to detect more the sounds in our proximity than the ones that are far away. We, of course, detect all the sounds, but some of them affect our system more.
A person who sleeps next to the snorer would be under the influence of his/hers snoring sounds, not the ones that are on the street or a nearby café. There is probably nothing more irritating than the sound of snoring right next to your ear.

There is more…

The other reason is intensity. A person who snores doesn’t snore in the same intensity the whole time. Snoring can vary from the almost noiseless one to that chainsaw sound. But, what is the thing here? You just never know. It goes up and down all the time. It changes both speed and intensity. A person who is trying to sleep next to the snorer wouldn’t be able to concentrate. Unpredictable sounds will disable his/her efforts to fall asleep.

The snorer has to give up the unhealthy habits. If he/she smokes, drinks alcohol or takes tranquilizers, there is a chance for creating deeper issues. Gaining weight plus the above-mentioned factors lead to the sleep apnea. Both snorer and the person next to him would go through a mutual nightmare. The snorer would be faced with possible heart failures and changes in the blood pressure.

If you want to maintain the peace in your family and improve the quality of your sleep, you should think of buying a snoring mouthpiece. This is an effective and quick way to stop snoring. Of course, pick only the best snoring mouthpiece. That is why you should read through some reviews and check the other snorers’ experiences.