The Science Behind The Adrenal Fatigue – A Guide for Layman

The Science Behind The Adrenal Fatigue – A Guide for Layman

The phenomena of adrenal fatigue were given in the year 1998. The adrenal glands do not keep up with the pace of stress, and eventually, the person starts to observe the signs of adrenal fatigue.

What Does It Do?

One of the first reasons that the researchers and specialists have found is that the reason why people feel good and feel ready to go in the morning is that the adrenal gland picks up the level of cortisol and another hormone called aldosterone.

It helps in stimulating the blood sugar, so when you get up in the morning, it is the adrenal glands that are helping you in doing that. Therefore, one of the main thing observed in people who get weak in adrenal glands is that they do not feel good when they get up in the morning. They get 8 to 9 hours of sleep,and they still feel that they are tired. It may take them until noon actually to wake up.


Adrenal Fatigue Pattern

There is a very strange fatigue pattern that goes on with it. 85% of the people go to the doctor and complain about their fatigue,and at the same time, this occurs in a specific pattern, which is typical of adrenal glands fatigue condition. This pattern can help the doctor to find out what the problem is. The pattern goes like:

  • You feel morning fatigue
  • Feeling better after the noon meal
  • Having a mid-afternoon low with just 15 minutes of like the person does not want to do anything
  • Start feeling better after 6 o’clock, and feel it till 9 or 9 and a half in the night
  • At 11 o’clock, the new phase comes in; the person starts feeling that the projects need to be done, the kitchen needs to be clean, etc.
  • At 2 o’clock, they feel that they must go to sleep and feel tired

This is the typical adrenal fatigue pattern. So, the cycle continues like this. You do not find this type of patternwith another type of fatigue.

How People Try To Medicate Themselves?

A lot of people medicate themselves with a cup of coffee or caffeine, beverages, red bull, and other things like that. Sometimes they need multiples to get going and try to re-stimulate themselves during the day. This is an artificial stimulation that is pushing the adrenal glands to make them do more than what they have to do.

People who have alow adrenal function do not necessarily have to go down to the lowest, as mentioned above that there are times of the day when they feel fresh and feel like doing what they need to do. They can simply stay semi-functioning. But, it is observed that they normally feel tired in the morning and taking beverages and coffee can keep them going during the day.

As there is always a back end and a front end to everything, they tend to feel more tired the next morning. They,in fact, push themselves to even harsh and hard condition They treat themselves like this without knowing or consulting the physician at all.

This behavior can lead to some collapse. It does not always, but most people get themselves into trouble by self-medication. The help you find out more about health-related issues and their solutions.