Should you be worried about Sudden Hearing Loss?

Should you be worried about Sudden Hearing Loss?

Hearing is the most important sense. It helps us understand the world around us and develop. Hearing problems cause serious difficulties in life. Therefore, hearing health is a key factor for a full and happy life!

The organs of hearing are a fragile system, the work of which depends on many factors. Today, people are increasingly faced with various problems. The rarest and most dangerous of these is sudden hearing loss. What’s it? Can it be ignored? Let’s answer these questions together!

What is sudden hearing loss?

First, let’s look at what sudden hearing loss is. You should not confuse it with simple hearing loss, which develops gradually. Sudden hearing loss (sudden deafness) is a moderate or severe hearing loss that develops over several hours. Patients usually feel sudden deafness after waking up. Such hearing loss affects only one ear.

Is this disorder dangerous?

Unfortunately, hearing problems are not taken seriously, especially if hearing loss is not accompanied by pain. Yes, hearing loss usually does not cause pain, but it deprives a person of the opportunity to participate in the life of society.

A person experience difficulties in school, at work, and in communicating with loved ones. Gradually, a hearing-impaired person withdraws into himself and tries to avoid communication, which often leads to depression and other psychological disorders.

Sudden hearing loss is a serious problem. It is much more dangerous than tinnitus or gradual hearing loss! If you ignore it and do not contact a hearing aid doctor in time, then you risk serious health problems. It’s complete deafness in one or both ears and over time, the early development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. A sudden decrease is a signal of health problems that cannot be ignored!

Causes of sudden hearing loss

Sudden hearing loss is a dangerous problem that causes difficulties in life. It is less common than other hearing problems, such as tinnitus. Nevertheless, almost everyone is at risk. There are many causes of the disorder, moreover, scientists and doctors continue research in this direction, each time finding something new. Let’s look at the most often cause of sudden hearing loss!

Head injury

According to statistics, head trauma is one of the most common causes of sudden hearing loss. Doctors note a link between trauma and hearing loss that occurred over the next three days. Usually, a sharp decrease in hearing occurs when the temporal bone is damaged or a general severe contusion. The patient feels other symptoms too:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of orientation in space

Infectious complications

Improper or incomplete treatment leads to various complications. Among them is sudden hearing loss. The infectious process affects the cochlea, and sometimes the vestibular apparatus and leads to a sharp decrease in hearing. It’s very important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and not to self-medicate. What infections can lead to hearing loss?

  • Meningitis
  • Measles
  • Lyme disease


Any medication has side effects. Some of them have an ototoxic effect, therefore, they can lead to a sudden deterioration in hearing or its complete loss. What are these drugs?

  • Antibiotics and all aminoglycosides
  • Antitumor drugs
  • Salicylates

When using these drugs, hearing can disappear very quickly within one day of admission, especially when the dosage is exceeded. Therefore, you should take such medications seriously. Only the attending physician can prescribe the use of such drugs. You can tell about all your health problems and chronic diseases. In such a way the doctor can take the information into account when prescribing medications.

Sudden change in pressure

A sharp change in environmental pressure leads to the development of ear barotrauma. For example, this happens when scuba diving or a sharp change in altitude during flight. Barotrauma can cause a sharp deterioration in hearing if you already had the prerequisites for this. Do you have earaches or hearing problems? Then it is better to consult a doctor before the flight.

These are the most common causes of sudden hearing loss. Try to avoid them. Thus, you’ll reduce the likelihood of a sharp deterioration in hearing! Sometimes the doctor cannot determine the cause of sudden hearing impairment. Then they talk about the development of idiopathic hearing loss. Fortunately, such situations are rare.

What should I do?

Did you wake up in the morning and feel a decrease in hearing? Sudden hearing loss is more likely to occur in one ear, but may be accompanied by unusual sensations (noise, congestion, etc.) in both. Many patients feel ear congestion, a feeling of “fullness” in it, not realizing that they have lost their hearing.  Ear congestion is common. Therefore, many postpone seeking help, thinking that the problem will soon go. This is a big mistake!

The time to start treatment for sudden hearing loss is the most important factor for preserving hearing! Your first step at the first symptoms of the problem is an immediate consultation with a hearing aid doctor! Procrastination can cost you your hearing! The disorder develops quickly. Within 72 hours, a person loses the ability to hear in one or both ears! Don’t waste time!

The doctor will conduct an examination and announce the diagnosis. Treatment depends on the results of the diagnosis and the cause of the problem. With timely treatment, the chances of preventing complete hearing loss, restoring this sense organ, and getting rid of a dangerous disease at the initial stage are very high. Remember, you can’t joke with hearing!