Tips in Finding the Good Car Accident Lawyers Seattle Washington

Tips in Finding the Good Car Accident Lawyers Seattle Washington

According to the Washington State Department of Transportation, a total of 120,993 car accidents was recorded in the year 2017 alone, and 1,932 of these accidents were possible serious injury collisions.

Now, if you’ve been on the receiving end of a recent car accident, you’re probably thinking of filing a car accident case, and filing such a case would definitely require the help of the best car accident lawyer. If you’re looking for one, here are tips in finding the best car accident lawyers in Seattle, Washington:

Ask questions first

In order to have a strong car accident case, you should immediately talk to an attorney. By doing this, you will be able to start working on your case as soon as possible while the accident is still fresh. When looking for the best attorney, also make sure to ask these questions to potential candidates:

  1. What experiences do you have in car accident cases?
  2. Have you ever had cases similar to mine?
  3. When was your last car accident case?
  4. Will you personally handle my case?
  5. How would you handle my case?
  6. What is your fee and retainer policy?
  7. Will you be available for my questions, if needed?
  8. Do you have previous client testimonials?
  9. What outcome do you expect from my case?

Take these questions as a chance to know more about your future attorney. You’d surely want to hire someone you can trust and has specific expertise in handling car accident cases.

Consider referrals

 Ask for referrals from people close to you, they may know someone you could talk to. Try to consider referrals from:

  1. Friends and Family – Ask your friends and family members if they know someone or if ever they have hired a car accident lawyer themselves. Having a referral from someone close to you may lead to a solid candidate. However, personalities may vary, and your decision on selecting the right lawyer must not be influenced by hearsay.
  2. Previous lawyers – Ask lawyers that you’ve worked with before if they know someone from their local bar association who specializes in car accident cases.

Although referrals can create solid leads on good lawyers, you should always remember that services may vary from one case to another.

Car Accident Lawyers

Get a lawyer to win a trial

Make sure to get an experienced lawyer who’s ready to take your case to trial, as most inexperienced car accident lawyers will have little to no court know-how.

Insurance companies will be very aggressive in pressuring you to settle on ridiculous offers, especially upon knowing that your attorney is inexperienced. However, if your attorney has enough experience in handling court trials, they’ll definitely know that presenting a car accident case before a jury will help you get what you want from the insurance company.

Discuss payment

Most car accident lawyers work in a contingent fee arrangement — they will not receive any pay prior to settlement. Make sure to read and understand any payment agreement, as these agreements may contain hidden charges.

It is important to ask your lawyer these questions regarding payment:

  1. How much will you charge for legal services?
  2. How will you charge for additional legal fees?
  3. What’s your hourly rate?

Consider exclusive practice lawyers

Car accident cases can be tricky, and lawyers who handle bankruptcies, divorces, and trusts can be unqualified to handle a case like yours. They will have insufficient background in dealing with insurance companies. Don’t risk your case and get a lawyer who exclusively works on car accident cases.

Consider Good Communication

If your lawyer can return your messages and phone calls punctually, that’s a good sign. When choosing a lawyer, you’ll be obliged to ask inquiries about your case, and the best ones will surely make some effort to answer all of your queries. Here are some points on lawyer-client communication to consider:

  1. It’s reasonable not to return a message or to miss a call occasionally. However, ignoring you for a day or two will not be ok.
  2. If you cannot reach your lawyer when pressing matters arise, office staff should always be available for urgent situations.
  3. Ask your lawyer about their preferred way of communication — older lawyers usually prefer phone calls, while younger ones prefer texts and emails.

Read testimonials and ask for references

Search the web and look for client testimonials. A reliable attorney will always have positive reviews, and a bad attorney will only have negative ones.

Additionally, if a lawyer fails to provide you with references, it can be a telltale sign of them having a bad reputation with their colleagues and past clients.


Finding the best car accident attorney can be difficult, but it’s actually just like choosing any other professionals. Get referrals, select someone you consider to be trustworthy, and hire someone who can establish good communication with you. Additionally, make sure to hire a lawyer with experience in highballing insurance companies.