How to Transform Your Bedroom into a Relaxing Sanctuary

How to Transform Your Bedroom into a Relaxing Sanctuary

People have different views when it comes to how a home should look. The general idea that the “home is my comfort zone” is what usually comes up, and from this idea stems the various ways on how a home is designed. Comfort starts at the front door and culminates at the bedroom.

Yes, the bedroom – that one place in the entire house where you can forget all your worries and drift into a deep slumber. There are, however, instances wherein the bedroom adds more to your stress. If this is the vibe that you get from your bedroom, it’s probably a good time to make some changes.

Here’s how you can transform your bedroom into a relaxing sanctuary:


The bed is the highlight of your bedroom. It should be one of the top things that can help you relax. You can either get a new bed, change your mattress and pillows, fix what is broken, or enhance what you have. It all depends upon your budget, of course, and improving what you have can be a good starting point.

  • Duvet – A duvet or a comforter will keep you warm during those cold times. High-quality duvet covers such as those from protect your duvets. A duvet cover would prolong the lifespan of your duvet, and you don’t have to clean your duvet often.
  • Pillows – Pillows support your head but are also used as something you can hug. Freshen them up by changing pillowcases that match the color scheme or theme of your bedroom.
  • Sheets and blankets – If you’re not using any duvets or comforters, regularly change your sheets and blankets with clean ones. If they are worn out or old, get some new ones. Pick the right size for your bed, and choose a design that will make you relax.


Air Quality

If your bedroom stays clammy or uncomfortably warm, then it is a good idea to check your ventilation. It is important that there is proper air circulation throughout your home, especially the rooms where you stay for long periods. You can:

  • Consult a trusted professional to check the air quality in your home.
  • Do a maintenance check on your air conditioning.
  • Open a window, if possible, to let in fresh air.
  • Consider using a fan to help circulate air or a dehumidifier to balance air humidity.

Keep It Clean

A clean place is a nice place to relax. Create a schedule to clean your bedroom to keep it fresh. Add some calming fragrance using:

  • Scent diffusers – You can choose between natural diffusers and electric ones, and there are many designs you can choose from.
  • Incense sticks – Make sure to put these in a safe place away from materials that can quickly catch fire.
  • Scented candles – Scented candles are very popular. Also use precaution when using candles to prevent fire.
  • Potted plants – Lavender and jasmine are natural air fresheners, can calm you down, and help clean the air. Remember to water them and give them sunlight so that they last for a long time.

Change Colors

Colors affect people’s psyches more than you think. Some colors, such as red and orange, enhance creativity and keep your brain awake, whereas other hues, such as violet and blue, lull your mind and body to sleep. There are several options you can do to enhance the color of your bedroom:

  • Color – Check out a color wheel and pick one that is most relaxing for you. Start with green and blue shades and work your way through the spectrum.
  • Color theme – After you pick a color, maintain a color theme in your bedroom through your curtains, beddings, linen, and decorations. All items in your bedroom don’t need to be in one color; you can have most of the things inside follow the color you prefer.
  • Lighting – Dimmable lights are excellent in a bedroom because you can adjust it to your required level. Have the controls near your bed so that they are easily accessible. Or you can also choose to get one of those app-controlled lights and light switches. Some designs come in variable colors, and brightness levels can be controlled, too!

The suggestions listed here require some amount of money, time, and effort. Plan carefully and ask your family and friends to help you with the projects that are challenging for you. Nothing beats being able to unwind and relax in your own cozy bedroom at the end of a long day.