Tips on Living A Better Life with Chronic Pain

Tips on Living A Better Life with Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain is not easy. It presents a constant set of challenges for those affected – and their loved ones. It can force you to change the way you do everything, limit the things you can do, and prevent you from doing activities you once enjoyed. And chronic ailment has far reaching effects that are not just limited physical wellbeing – it can also have a major impact on your emotional and mental health.

Luckily, conventional treatments for chronic pain are changing for the better. It used to be that doctors would just prescribe strong painkillers and send patients on their way. Too often, these were highly addictive opioids.

The resulting epidemic of opioid addictions and overdoses has fueled the medical field to find safer and more effective ways to manage chronic pain. If you suffer from chronic pain, try exploring the following approaches:

See A Pain Management Doctor

Unfortunately, a lot of people who suffer from chronic pain have adopted a grin-and-bear-it attitude and do not seek further treatment, or they try to self-medicate. Many do not know that there are entire practices of doctors who specialize in pain management and might be able to help them find better ways of dealing with their pain.

Chronic pain is defined as aching, injury, or general ailments that lasts longer than 12 weeks; for most sufferers, it lasts for years or even a lifetime. The pain can be the result of an illness, genetic condition, injury, or an unexplained cause. If you have long lasting pain because of any of these reasons, see your doctor and ask if a pain management specialist Washington might be appropriate for you.

Stay Informed on New and Emerging Treatments

Researchers around the world are working day and night to come up with better ways for treatment. They are starting to shift away from the highly addictive drug classes such as opioids and narcotics whenever possible, and new treatments are developing every day. It is important for you to do your own research on the subject, and to make sure that you are pulling it from reputable places, such as scientific and medical journals.

One such treatment involves the use of stem cells, which have been shown to help the body repair what would have once been considered irreparable injuries. While the therapy is not yet widespread, there are a growing number of providers around the country. The stem cell therapy from Chronic Care in Richmond is one of the most popular providers on the east coast, and has set a lot of industry standards that are being adapted as this technology spreads.

Try Massage or Physical Therapy

Many people associate massages with a day at the spa, and therefore discount them as a form of treatment. However, massage therapy is a real medical treatment that is covered by many insurances and can have life changing effects on those who undergo regular treatments. It can reduce pain and stress, as well as improve function and range of motion in joints and muscles.

Physical therapy can also make a huge difference in quality of life for someone living with chronic pain. Even if the condition that is causing the pain can never be fully corrected, physical therapy can help improve movement and function in your limbs and joints.

Your therapist will also likely help you find new and safer ways to move around – for example, you might practice using a cane or walker on various terrain and inclines. Physical therapy can also help you learn different ways of doing everyday tasks that might be difficult because of your pain, to help you live the best life you can.