The Water Jug for Working Out

The Water Jug for Working Out

How many times in your life have you confidently been able to say, “Today is my lucky day!” If they have been few and far between, you can add this one to the list because you are about to learn how to work out with a water jug.

This can come in real handy when you are traveling across borders to get your HGH injections. Once you land and settle into your hotel room, you are going to be tight and maybe have some muscle tension built up.

Nothing would fit the bill better in this situation than getting some movement and exercise in. And the magic can completely happen by taking a quick walk to the local convenient mart. All you need to do is nab a few gallon water jugs.

Well, don’t actually “nab” them as in steal them. That will end your trip in the pokey really fast. And you’ll have a really hard time explaining that to your significant other.

The bottom line is, you can keep your body in great shape while traveling, regardless if it is to obtain HGH results with your current prescription or if it’s to get a new HGH dosage administered. All you need to do is learn the tricks of the trade and that’s exactly what you’re about to do.


The average weight of a human head is about 10 lbs. At least that’s what the “experts” have said. Well, from one expert to another, I can tell you this much, your body doesn’t know the difference between bodyweight and added weight.

All it knows is that work is being done and it is arduous. The end result is you gain and maintain mass when your muscles are worked hard enough.

When you are on the road and you can’t find a gym, or do not want to resort to using the crappy, old, rusty Nautilus machine you find in an equally crappy and outdated workout room at the hotel, then it’s time to pull out the water jug.

Said water jug is 128 ounces, which comes out to one gallon and weighs 8 lbs. That’s a good amount of weight right there. Do you know how many lazy people exist in this world? A lot! And a high percentage would have trouble hoisting an 8-lb water jug around in a workout. Let’s just hope you’re not one of them.

If you are, you need not worry because you will adapt and get stronger in a few short weeks. Well, you won’t even really need the jug that long, unless you are having an extended stay out of town.

The main purpose is to use it as a holdover tool until you are able to get back to a gym or your home gym.

But that’s not saying you can’t use it at home either. If you’re looking to save some money on equipment, by all means incorporate the water jug into a workout plan. And remember the rule; your biceps don’t know the difference between a dumbbell and water jug.

Exercise Selection

Here is the important fact for the day. You should aim to work your entire body with exercises when you are out of town. And your workout doesn’t need to be fancy or flashy. Your goal is to just simply maintain what you got and stay in shape.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t put the hammers down and give yourself a full-on thrashing. But it is best to be good to yourself at first so you don’t fall off the wagon.

That being said, focus on drills that are easy to do with a water jug. For example, if you hold it tight to your chest, you can do squats really easily. You’d be surprised how much harder they will be with a mere 8 lbs. of additional weight.

They will cover your legs. You can also do shoulder presses by weaving your little fingers through the handle and you can do bent-over rows, reverse lunges, overhead triceps extensions and Russian twists to work the abbies.

Think in terms of recruiting as many muscle groups as possible.

Multiple Jugs

Do you remember from the top, being instructed to buy multiple water jugs? Well here’s why. If you are Mr. Beefcake Sanchez and want to add some resistance to your drills, then you can easily achieve this by using two or three or more water jugs.

Take squats for example. By weaving a towel through the handles of three jugs, you just produced a load of 24 lbs. If your wife or girlfriend was impressed with big loads in the bedroom, you just might impress her with a big load on your back too because that’s where you will place the weight.

After you slide the towel through the handles, grab the ends of the towel and sling the jugs across your shoulders. Hold the ends down by your chest and perform your squats.

Do you know what the cool thing is about this drill? The vertebrae in your cervical spine will not get crushed into a million pesos because there is no cast-iron bar pressing against them.

This makes the exercise comfortable and effective at the same time. Shouldn’t that be how life is anyway?

You can also hold one jug in each hand for drills like bent-over rows and lunges, which were mentioned above.

The Final Pour

The final word on water jugs is this. They make great tools for working out and they can give your body the spice it needs to stay in shape while you are away on vacation or visiting HGH Vallarta for your next check-up. Use them to your advantage and never let excuses prevent you from getting swole.