Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Itch?

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Itch?

Mosquito bites are the most annoying things. These nasty little beings do not care what age group we belong to; they leave behind scars, marks, and itchiness that can be irritable especially when you are in a public place. Unlike other insect bites, mosquito bite itches more. Have you ever wondered why? It is one of the most common questions people ask or search online.

A few more questions people are concerned and confused about are;

  • Why do these mosquitos bite on the feet?
  • For how long is the itchiness there?
  • Why do mosquito bites itch more during night?
  • How to calm mosquito bite itchiness?
  • How to prevent mosquito bites and itchiness?

What happens when a mosquito bites?

Mosquitos bite and suck blood from your body like a straw in their mouth. These bites also carry various viruses that transmit into the body. Mosquito bites do not just cause itching; these are also responsible to carry out various diseases and illnesses. Chikungunya, Zika, Malaria, Yellow Fever, and Dengue are a few dreadful diseases caused due to mosquito bites.

There are many ways to treat mosquito bites. Some ways also relieve you from itchiness and some prevent it from happening. Before we understand the various ways to treat mosquito bite itching, let’s understand why mosquito bites itch…

Why a mosquito bite causes itching?

Mosquito bites itch because of the mosquito saliva. The proteins contained in mosquitoes’ saliva make the human immune system react as soon as they bite. Thus, the nerves in the skin feel irritable and make the skin itch. In some cases, the mosquito bite causes swelling and starts itching to the worse leaving scratches and scars.

There are risks of infection due to constant itching and scratching if the skin gets broken. Another question that lurks in many people’s minds is why these mosquito bites itch more at night. The answer is simple; the body is tired and needs rest at night. The body rests at night while the mind is still active. Thus, the mind immediately reacts to the itching sensation at night more than day.

Let’s discuss a few more questions commonly asked by people…

Why do mosquito bites annoy and itch more on the feet?

Mosquito bites itch more on the feet because that’s the first body part mosquitoes trace as soon as they come out from their secret places. Also, ankles and feet are the most exposed areas, and the rest of the places are covered with clothes. Moreover, we keep moving our hands and arms even while sitting, but our feet are at rest. Thus, mosquitoes are fonder of biting the body parts that are easier to track down.

Studies also show that mosquitoes that bite on the ankles and feet are difficult to get swatted or smacked and so they are more prone to biting in those areas. Let’s also understand the various ways you can stop the itchy sensation due to mosquito bites.

Mosquitoes Bite 1

How to stop itchiness from mosquito bites?

Itching can be controlled and a few solutions can save you from the embarrassment of itching hard in public. Here are a few tips to settle itching caused by mosquito bites:

  1. Basil leaves and coconut oil: Rub the affected area with basil leaves soaked in coconut oil. Rubbing the bitten area simply with basil leaves may also give you relief.
  2. Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe Vera is one of the most natural cures for mosquito bite itching. It also soothes the skin and treats scars caused due to scratching.
  3. Oatmeal: Taking an oatmeal bath can help too. You can also make oatmeal mask and apply it to the bite for a few minutes before washing it off.
  4. Antiseptic cream: Try taking antihistamines after consulting your doctor.
  5. Tea bags: Tea has anti-inflammatory properties and placing a chilled tea bag (green or black) on the itchy area can help to a great extent.
  6. Honey: Honey is rich in antioxidants with healing properties. Applying it to the affected area can prevent the spread of infection and settle itching.
  7. Mosquito repellent: Mosquito repellent not only helps in driving mosquitos away, but its antiseptic formula also helps to treat the damage caused due to mosquito bites.

Amidst the mosquito threat, certain conditions make it more common for mosquito bites. If you avoid or prevent these, you can work halfway to preventing itching.

Risk factors responsible for mosquito bites:

  1. Avoid wearing loud perfume.
  2. Avoid wearing dark-colored clothing.
  3. Avoid visiting areas that are known for mosquito breeding.
  4. Do not stand near stagnant water like pools, potholes, flower pots, etc…
  5. Wear breathable covered clothes.

How can you prevent itching?

The answer is simple; by avoiding mosquito bites. The main concern is how to get rid of mosquitos and prevent them from biting you. With ample choices and solutions, it is agreeable to be confused. Thus, you may have to look for prominent or assured ways of preventing mosquitoes.

Solutions like mosquito nets are restricted and limited to the area. If you are traveling, you need stronger solutions to carry along. We have some tips and solutions you can follow. These tips are advised by prominent mosquito repellent brands and DIY experts from their personal experience.

Final words:

Prevention is better than cure; you may hear it from most doctors and health experts. However, if the damage is done, don’t worry and avoid panic. By following the right steps and solutions at the right time, you can settle various health concerns, especially mosquito bite itching.