Will Automation Kill the Jobs Market

Will Automation Kill the Jobs Market

As technology gets better and better, companies are beginning to take advantage. Many factories in today’s world depend on automated machines to complete tasks. This includes manufacturing certain products as well as planting, maintaining, and harvesting crops that arrive at your grocery stores. In this article, we’ll talk about how technology will soon be used to automate many more jobs that would otherwise be done by people earning a paycheck.

Automated Technology

We’ve seen it in multiple places. Grocery stores, restaurants, and of course, banks that have been using machines to fill in for certain activities for many years already. Rather than hiring cashiers, grocery stores and similar places now have self-checkout options. This allows the customer to scan their own items and pay for it themselves using cash or credit.

This has led to a high demand in automated technology. One company, ShinePay, mentions that you can even find an automated digital payment method for washing machines. This is just one of many ways automated technology is beginning to implement itself in society. As you can see, this sort of technology can be used in a variety of different ways.

Jobs Affected

Overall, automated technology has affected jobs whereby limited technical skills are required. These are usually the jobs whereby payment is required to be accepted. This includes cash registers, car tolls, bus tickets, and many others. Although people are still employed in positions where technology has taken over, this change has lowered the number of workers needed significantly.

Despite the fact that some jobs have become fewer, many more are needed. Due to the high demand for automated machines, jobs involved in computer science, as well as other technology-related studies, will also increase. This provides more jobs for people working in positions whereby a college degree may be necessary.

Future Technology

Although flying cars may not be so easy to develop as previously thought, other forms of technology may soon be the norm. This includes the development of a self-driving car. This car is already being tested by multiple companies attempting to come up with a viable model. The car would work by using its GPS system to navigate through the streets as well as at the right speed. If successful, a self-driving car would prove to be highly influential in our daily lives.

Another innovation that has already been implemented by some companies is paying for goods through fingerprinting. Through identifying yourself with your fingerprint, you’ll be able to make payments for things like groceries and other essentials. This can prove to be a very fast method of payment if adopted throughout the world

Less Interaction

As technology gets better and better as time goes on, automated machines may take the place of people in a variety of different work environments. As a result, people may be less likely to interact with others in person. From the grocery store to customer service online, machines will take the place of individuals in completing simple jobs as well as online processes.

Whether or not this will cause people to interact less with others is still up to debate. On the other hand, automated technology may allow for more leisure time to spend with family and friends. However, for now, the technology is continuing to develop.

More Tech Jobs

Due to the increase in the use of technology, more jobs will be needed in areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. These jobs that require a college degree will be open for the many students studying these disciplines. Despite jobs decreasing in other areas, jobs such as these will continue to pop up in the future.

Companies like Amazon and Apple need many employees who are skilled in computer science as well as math to complete tasks as well as monitor their operations. Other companies will need employees who can repair machines and develop new tools for operating them. These are the sorts of positions that’ll begin opening up more and more in the near future as technology continues to become more advanced.



Technology will definitely continue to change people’s daily lives. As more forms of automated technology are brought into society, things will need to change. As jobs decrease in one area, they may begin growing in demand in another.