12 Ways to Convert Users into Buyers

12 Ways to Convert Users into Buyers

If you want to sell items online, you need customers. Perhaps, you already have them and you don’t realize it. Using a little psychology and order management, you can turn simple users of your website into loyal customers. Here are 12 tricks and tips that will turn your site from a web portal to a sales machine.

First, keep it simple stupid. Human attention span is short and with the advent of technology providing things faster and faster, attention spans are decreasing. Thus, keeping things quick and simple for your user base will ultimately result in increased desire to buy. Try to eliminate information that needs to be entered more than once. Save information such as addresses, phone numbers, or if applicable payment information so that users require less cognitive resources to enter them again. Keeping order management simple will ultimately result in more sales.

Stick to what they know. Using classic templates that people expect will help in reducing the overall cognitive process required to utilize web forms. Examples of classic templates include logins, searches, and checkout. You will also want to organize items in to logical groups or chunks of information. Familiarity will ensure that users stay focused on the product purchase.

Eliminate wasted time. In addition to being simple to navigate, your site should also be quick. Eliminate as many steps as possible by keeping like items together. For example, you may wish to include shipping, billing, and final cart review on a single page. Any steps that are eliminated result in saving the user time and keeping the sale on track.

Put the best products on the top. You don’t want the user to waste time going through too many items. Be sure to take the best items and place them at the top of the list. Items at the top and bottom of a list are most easily noticed, while items in the middle are easily forgotten. Sequence is key to order management.

Narrow the choice to a few items. Along the lines of making sure your items are noticed, it is also important to keep the list small. Fewer choices ultimately make it easier for the user to decide. This is even truer when a user is searching for something in particular.

Use design effects to attract the users’ attention. As human beings we respond to bright colors, effects and motion. Experiments have proven that the decision to purchase a particular brand may be based up to 90 percent on the color of the packaging. Color generates emotions in an audience and may affect whether your brand stands out from the pack. Animations may also draw the customer’s attention, but be sure to keep it simple.

Provide opportunities for the sale. Various opportunities to add an item to your cart should be spread throughout your website. You might add a button on your homepage, another on the search, and a final button on the checkout page itself. Any impediment to adding an item to checkout is the quickest way to lose a sale.

Use English in your favor. Make sure to use language your audience will understand. A description of a sales item is not a time to teach your user a new language. They will be confused and bored. Make sure that your descriptions reflect the priorities of your audience. Make your descriptions clear and easy to follow as well as engaging. Don’t let a need to be clever deter you from a sale.

Address your customer. When writing email, write to the customer. Be sure to use the words ‘you’ and ‘your’. Identify what is relevant to the customer about a specific item. Curiosity, urgency, relevance, value, and emotion are key factors in engaging a buyer. Be sure to use a lot of persuasive verbs.

Perception is Reality. While it is important to have a site that is technically responsive, it is just as important to have a website that keeps the mind engaged. Engaging websites will appear to the user to load faster and improved perceived performance. You can also preload resources by predicting user actions.

Use Statistics. Almost all websites can be analyzed with real time user monitoring and analytics. This will illuminate users’ patterns and predict future actions. This will also help you to determine your users’ emotional goal. For example, the goal of buying a shirt might be to attract the opposite sex, stay warm, look cute while working out, or be comfortable while sleeping. Monitoring patterns may help you to determine the overall goal of a user while shopping, thus narrowing choices to something they want. Use images and descriptions to emphasize these goals, rather than only the product itself.

These tricks and more are brought to you by Magento Services. When designing your web site, you should take advantage of all these tips and tricks for turning users in to buyers. Magento services provides software tools which can assist in this and other search engine optimization features for your business web site.

Check here – https://www.mageworx.com/magento2-order-management-extension.html